Chapter 16

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  • Dedicated to My Nan Alison becasue she's amazing !!


“Night Alex” she replied, a few minutes later she heard Alex’s soft snores, thoughts of her being pregnant raced around her head, kept her awake until the small hours of the morning until she fell asleep exhausted.

Chapter 16

She woke up and looked around the bed was empty, rolling over sleepily she looked at the clock it was two in the afternoon, ‘god I must have been tired’ she thought, sitting up she rubbed her eyes, got up and walked into the bathroom. After a long relaxing shower she got out and stared into the mirror, turning side ways she looked down at her stomach, there was a slight bump, she put her hands gently on her stomach, she looked about three months pregnant, ‘shit’ she thought we’re both Alpha, the pregnancy will only last 6 weeks half the time of a normal werewolf pregnancy.

She heard the door open and she quickly moved her hands away from her stomach, a confused look pasted over Alex’s face before he chuckled,

“you could stay like that for me babes but I’m sure you’d object as a few of the girls are going shopping and asked if you wanted to come” he said wrapping his arms around her, squealing she dived under his arm and raced into the wardrobe, she yanked on a pair of shorts and a cute tee-shirt whilst Alex stood outside laughing, walking out she looked at him and crossed her arms,

“Well” she asked “Why did you just walk in, I was obviously in there” she said sending him playfully stern glares, still laughing he answered,

“I’m sorry babe but it was just so tempting, and you did look pretty sexy” he said, while walking slowly towards her a predatory look in his eyes, she backed up but he kept coming towards her, a grin spreading across his face, she backed up until she hit the wall, looking up at him she chuckled nervously,

“Hehe hey Alex, so… what’s up” she said trying to edge away from him but he put his arms up ageist the wall either side of her, leaning in he whispered into her ear,

“You weren’t going to run away from me where you baby” he asked, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine, causing her too subconsciously lean closer to him, he wrapped his arms slowly around her waist, she grinned to her self and as her looked at her in confusion she brought her knee up to his family jewels and ran out of the room laughing mercilessly. A loud growl sounded from behind her, squealing she ran faster still laughing as she heard his footsteps behind her, racing around the corner she saw Sharon, Alice and Sapphire all stood together chatting with Mike, Jason and Tom stood behind them, squealing she ran into the middle of them,

“Hide me” she said, laughing they did as she asked surrounding her and trying to act casual,but Alex walked into the room smelling her instantly,

“Hey have any of you guys seen Rebecca” he asked a smile in his voice, “well it’s her birthday in a week and I was going to take her to get a puppy that she keeps asking me for but if she’s not here…”

Rebecca dove out from in-between them and jumped into Alex’s arms,

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