Chapter 8

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“Please don’t look down, I love seeing your beautiful face” he said, she chuckled softly at him

“God that was cheesy Alex” rolling his eyes at her he laughed lightly,

“Yes it was, but it was also very true” he said seriously, she rolled her eyes at him.

They conversed gently until their food came, it was lovely and they ended up sitting there for hours talking about every thought that came into their minds.

Chapter 8

Looking up in as the lift pinged they saw their waiter coming though the door “sir we are closing shortly, if you are almost done could you please get ready to leave??” the waiter asked. Standing up Alex helped Rebecca put on her coat on and then pulled on his own,

“Don’t worry we are done, thank-you” Alex answered wrapping his arm around Rebecca’s waist and discreetly placed a wad of cash on the table next to a generous tip and walked over to the lift.

Walking out of the hotel Alex made his way over to the car his arm still around Rebecca’s waist, as he pulled open Rebecca’s door she turned around to him and looked deeply into his eyes,

“god I love you Alex” Rebecca said, Alex went to reply but she quickly put her arms around his neck, pulling his head down towards her, capturing his lips in hers, sparks whirled around them and lust filled their closed eyes feeling of love and lust flashed though them lingering in the air, when they eventually stopped they where panting as their breaths lingered together lust evident in their eyes.

“I love you” Alex panted his eyes showing the raw power of the feeling he just told her,

“get in the car sweetie, we’re not done yet” Alex murmured in her ear, nodding Rebecca sank into her seat her brain still in a lust filled haze as Alex closed the door for her, Alex took a few deep breaths before climbing in the car and starting it.

They speed down the road for a few minutes before turning into a small road that led deep into the forest a while later Alex stopped the car and they both got out taking Rebecca’s hand he led her down a small hidden path for several minute before they came out into a beautiful opening, looking around Rebecca saw a gorgeous water fall that shimmered gently down some boulders into a deep hot spring pool with steam coming off as the moon reflected off the water lighting up the whole clearing, looking around she saw flowers decorated it the moonlight showing them of beautifully.

Rebecca was at a loss for words finally she turned to Alex and saw hum undressing down to his boxer shorts “fancy a swim” he asked with a smile before running and diving straight into the deep pool, Rebecca quickly stripped off her clothes down to her bra and nickers before running and jumping into the pool, swimming around she enjoyed the warm water swirling around her and then she felt arms wrap around her pulling her against a warm chest, sighing in content Rebecca turned around in his arms and stared into his eyes as he held her up her feet unable to reach the soft pebbly floor.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sex scene coming up people DON’T SAY I DIDT WARN YOU, you can skip it, it wont effect the story xx

Leaning in Alex kissed her gently but passionately on the lips his hand held onto her waist whilst them other slipped over her stomach and then her back, suppressing a moan she wrapped her legs around his waist and slipping her hands into his hair pulling him closer towards him, his hand slid up to the top of her back quickly un clipping her bra and sliding it off before flinging it onto the grassy shore, his head went from her lip down her neck and across her collar bone before slowly making his way down and slipping her nipple into his mouth and sucking gently, letting out a soft moan Rebecca pulled his head back up to her mouth, as their tongues swirled together Rebecca slid her hands out of Alex’s hair and down his waist gripping onto the waist of his boxers she gently began to push them down using her feet to kick them off, pulling back out of their kiss Alex looked into Rebecca’s eyes,

“Are you sure??” he asked his eyes searching hers, looking back at him she answered by pushing her mouth back to his, grabbing her waist he lifted her higher in the water before sliding her nickers down her legs and throwing them onto the grassy shore, there lips worked together in perfect harmony as lust and love swirled from them and all around them, the lust grew to a level they didn’t think they could take it anymore, Rebecca pulled back from there kiss,

“Now, do it now, I need you”, placing her self at her entrance he looked into her eyes as he gently pushed into her. A tear rolled down her cheek which Alex quickly kissed away,

“This is the first and last time I will every hurt you princess, I promise”, Alex whispered gently and reassuringly into her ear as he gently started pumping in and out of her, a few minutes later pain gave away to pleasure and soft moans started to escape her mouth, and pleasure and lust grew in in them until simultaneously it erupted in them together and waves of intense pleasure flowed though their bodies racking them to their very core, pleasure like they had never felt hit them hard until they crumbled together panting and out of breath. Sliding him self out of her, he held her close to him and made their way to the shore leaning down he picked up both of their clothes and made his way down the path.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sex scene over ;)                                                                                                                                                         --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

When they got to the car he opened the boot and wrapped them both in towels before placing her into the back seat passing her clothes to her so she could get changed in privacy, he pulled on his clothes out side and then climbed into the front seat as she sat down in the passenger side,

“Are you ok” Alex asked, Rebecca smiled and nodded her face glowing, turning back forward Alex started the car and turned the heating up, driving away.

He pulled up at his house and looked over to find Rebecca asleep, turning off the car he got out and quickly made his way around to her side quickly lifting her out, he carried her up to his house opening the door he made his way up to his room, placing her gently on the bed he climbed in after her pulling the blanket up and tucking it around her. Kissing her gently one the head he gave her one last look before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.


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