Chapter 26

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“Its all sorted baby, don’t worry” he said “come on lets get some sleep”. Nodding she let him pull her into their bed, as she snuggled into his chest exhaustion overtook her and she fell asleep.

Chapter 26

The babies where little angles that night, whether it was from their own exhaustion or whether they somehow knew how tired there parents where, either way Rebecca had a greats nights sleep.

When she did eventually wake up it was to the sound of Kadence and Brandon happily gurgling away in their cots, Rebecca smiled and got up, walking over to the cribs she scooped Kadence up and planted little kisses all over her making her giggle, holding Kadence in one arm she used the other to scoop up Brandon.

Because they where werewolf’s they age their first human year in about three months, so both babies already looked a few weeks old.

Climbing back into the huge bed she and Alex shared she gently placed both babies onto of the thick duvet where they sunk slightly, stopping them from rolling off the bed. Both babies giggled as she tickled their stomachs and Rebecca laughed along with them, it was just so cute.

She carefully picked Kadence up and started feeding her, cooing down at her the whole time.

The sound of laughing had woken Alex up and he scooped up Brandon who was still lay on the bed smiling, he squealed in delight now he was in his daddy’s arms and Alex cuddled him close,

“Your so going to be a daddies boy just like your sister” he said grinning, Rebecca rolled her eyes,

“No you mean he’s going to be a mummy’s boy just like his sister” she said with a laugh,

“Not a chance” he said holding him up in his arms, causing him to giggle, “look at him daddy’s boy all the way”. Rebecca simply rolled her eyes and laughed.

After both of the babies had been fed, Alex went to have a shower whilst Rebecca played with them on the bed. She would show Alex the nursery today, she thought, it had been built as soon as she had found out she was having twins and was right next door to their room.

After Alex had showered Rebecca went in and had hers, it felt great almost as if she was washing away yesterdays events. When she was finished she quickly dried her self and pulled on a tank top and a pair of jeans.

Walking back into their room she saw Alex was lay on the bed with Kadence and Brandon lay next to him, she was pulling silly faces at they to make them laugh, it was the cutest and funniest thing Rebecca had seen all day and she couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped her lips.

He stopped pulling the faces and shot a fake glare at her; she giggled and walked over to the bed. Picking up Brandon and motioning that Alex pick up Kadence she turned,

“Come on I’ve got something to show you” she said with a smile.

Walking out of the room she walked to the room directly to their right, Alex had a confused expression on his face as Rebecca opened the door.

Inside the walls where a pale yellow colour and two cots where ageist the back wall, one was pink and one was blue and they both had matching blankets. There were musical mobiles hung above both cots that played tribal songs, around the room where toys and pictures making the room beautiful.

“Wow Rebecca, its perfect” Alex said looking around,

“Look though here, they have their own little bathroom” Rebecca said. Alex grinned walking in,

“It’s adorable” Alex said.

After they had finished looking around the twin’s room, they headed down into the kitchen where the pack was gathered eating and chatting, two teenage girls from the pack came up and offered to look after the twins whilst they visited Jason.

After agreeing and promising not to be to long they made their way over to where Jason was.

He was lay in the bed, but he was awake and was talking softly to Sapphire when they walked in,

“Jason your awake” Rebecca said smiling,

“Hey sis you okay” he said smiling at her. Her jaw dropped,

“Jason your lay in bed and your asking me if I’m okay” she said shaking her head.

“Do you feel okay” she asked her face turning serious, this time he rolled his eyes,

“I’m a werewolf and your big brother, you didn’t really think that would get me down did you??” he asked with a laugh. Rebecca smiled; her brother was almost back to normal.

“Ha-ha no of course not, how long you going to be in here??” she asked as she sat down next to Sapphire,

“A few days tops, and get up off your butt and give me a hug” he said playfully, she laughed and carefully hugged him, careful not to knock any of his disappearing wounds.

“I’m glad you’re feeling better bro, it was weird not having you around, even if it was only for a day” she said with a grin,

“Can’t leave Tom as the only one to annoy you can I, he’s got far to mature” he said with a laugh

“Thanks’ Jason” she said dryly though she was secretly grinning, she had been so worried about him.

About an hour later they where ready to leave and let Jason rest, hugging him and Sapphire good bye they left. Going into the lounge they saw the two teenage girls playing with their chuckling babies, smiling Rebecca thanked them and handed them some cash before picking up Kadence whilst Alex picked up Brandon and heading up stairs.

Walking in to the twin’s room they gave them a bath and dressed them in adorable teddy bear like onesies that Alice had brought them, they looked adorable and after Rebecca had fed them they tucked them into their cots.

Walking back into their room Alex wrapped his arms around Rebecca’s waist,

“Help me shower” he said.


do you guys want the shower scence ??????

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