Humphrey and Kate

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"Hi, Kate."
"Hi, Humphrey."
"I'm getting dizzy."
We stop spinning.
"Want to go out sometime?"
"You omega?"
"I'm alpha."
"I can't, sorry Humphrey. If my dad finds out I like you, he will get mad. I don't want him to get him mad."
"I don't either."
"Bye, Humphrey."
"Bye, Kate."
She licks his cheek. He goes to his den to sleep. Then he went into the woods to find Kate and Kate runs to him. "Hi, Humphrey."
"Hi, Kate. How are you?"
"I'm good. You?"
"I'm good, too."
"My dad told me today that I got to pick to be with you or Garth."
"I hope it's me."
She went to the ground, Humphrey and Garth was sitting there. She picked Humphrey and he kissed her then howled.
"Yes!" Garth said. He went to Lilly and kissed her then howled, too.
Kate went to her dad and said, "I love Humphrey." Her dad nodded. They went to the moon and howled saying, "I love you."

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