Piper, Lilly, and Garth

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"Hi, mom."
"Hi, Garth," she replies. "How are you?"
"I'm good, how about you?"
"That's good, me, too. How's Lilly?"
"She's good. Come to our den tonight."
She went to their den. "Hi, Lilly."
"Hi, Piper," she said. "Did you have the baby?"
"Yes. This is your brother, Garth, and this is Garth's wife, Lilly."
"Hi," he said to his brother.
Lilly and Michael went to the park while Piper, Lilly, and Garth talked in the den.
"So, hows your pups?"
"They're good. Nick has a girlfriend named Katie and the others always go to the park. I love them all, but Nick moved to a new den." Garth started to cry.
"What's wrong?"
"Today is Love's birthday. I miss her so much."
"I know you do."
"Me, too," said Lilly. 
"Are you ready to go to the grave?" the kids asked.
They all went to her grave. "I love you so much, sister. Happy birthday." 
"Happy birthday, my pups," Lilly said.
"Thanks, mom."
They went to the den and Nick went home.
"I got to go, love you, son," Piper said.
"Love you, too, mom. Bye, brother."
"Bye, bro."
She went to the den and Lilly went to sleep while Garth went outside and sang a song then he went to sleep. They woke up and went to the park.
He said, "I want more pups." 
"Really?" Lilly asked.
"I love you so much, Garth."
"I love you, too, Lilly."
Michael came running and yelled "Brother!"
"What is it?"
"It's mom."
Garth ran with him and he saw his mom hurt in the leg. He called Lilly and she came running then wrapped it up.
"Thank you, son."
"You're welcome, mom. I love you."
Tony came, Garth looked at his dad, mad bubbling inside him. 
"How long were you here for?" Tony asked.
"You didn't tell me because she didn't want you to know that she was here!"
"Don't give me that tone."
Piper got up and said, "Don't talk to my son like that."  
"Who's that?" Michael asked.
"That's your dad," said Garth. 
"Garth, run," Piper said.
"Just run."
Michael ran, too, along with Lilly. Piper bit Tony and tried to run then Tony helped her to her den. Michael, Garth, and Lilly stopped running and looked behind them. Garth smiled. 
"Thank you," Piper said.
"You're welcome." He went to her. "I still love you."
Lilly went to Garth and kissed him. "I'm pregnant."

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