Kate Pups

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Humphrey went to find something to eat for Kate. He doesn't know yet that Kate is pregnant with three pups and he came back with food. Kate was sitting up straight, he dropped the food and went to her.
"Are you really pregnant?"
"Yes, Humphrey," she said. "I am."
"That's awesome, baby." He went to the food and gave it to her.
"Thank you, Humphrey." Her dad came to her and she said, "Hi, dad. How are you?"
"I'm good," he said. "How are you, sweetheart?"
"I'm good, just told Humphrey I'm pregnant."
"That's awesome."
"Winston needs help, Humphrey."
Humphrey helped him to the cave and he said thank you. "You're welcome." He went to Kate. "Love you so much, Kate."
"I love you, too, Humphrey."
Winston left to go home then they went to sleep.
"Yeah, Kate?"
"The pups."
She had the three pups. They went back to sleep then they woke up and Humphrey went to Winston telling him they had the pups. Then he went to see them.
"What's their names?"
"Stinky, Runt, and Claudette," Humphrey answered.
"Cute names."
"Thanks, dad."

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