Nick and Katie

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"Hey, that's mine," said Nick.
"Oh, sorry," Katie said. "Here you go."
"It's ok. Here have some."
"Thank you."
"I got to go, bye Katie," Nick said. "My mom and dad is calling me." Nick went home with the food, ate dinner, and went to sleep. He went to the woods when he woke up and he was getting breakfast when he saw Katie getting breakfast, too. "Here, have some."
"Thank you," Katie said. "Nick."
"Yeah, Katie?"
"I think I love you."
"Really? Me, too."
"My dad doesn't want me to be with you. He wants me to be with a boy wolf named Kyle."
"Really? I love you more than anything in the world."
"I know, I love you, too. That's why I got to go, love you, Nick."
"Love you, too." He went home mad and his dad asked what's wrong. "Nothing."
"I can see you're mad," his dad said.
"I met a girl in the woods the other day and she wants me to be her boyfriend, but her dad wants her to be with a wolf named Kyle. I love her more than anything in the world, dad! I don't know what to do." He howled at the moon and started to sing a love song for Katie. When he was done singing, his dad asked what her name is. "Katie."
"Oh, I will go talk to them."
"Thank you, dad."
"You're welcome. Now go to sleep and I will talk to you in the morning."
"Love you dad."
"Love you, too, son."
Garth went to talk to the wolves and went home after, waking up Nick. "You can be with her."
He ran to the woods and kissed Katie. "I love you so much, Katie."
"I love you, too, Nick."

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