Runt, Stinky, Claudette, Kate, and Humphrey

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"Hey, mom," Stinky said.
"Hey, dear," Kate said. "How are you?"
"I'm good, you?"
"That's good. I'm good, too."
"So, what's up?" asked Runt.
"Nothing, you?"
"Having fun with my family."
"That's great." She looked at Humphrey. "Love you so much, Humphrey," Kate said.
"I love you so much, Kate," Humphrey said back.
They went to the park with their kids.
"Hi, Colen, Kai, Buddy, Moana, Bell, Cole Jr., Sarah, Beth, and Kimmy," Kate said.
"Hi, everybody," said Humphrey.
"Hi, grandpa."
"Hi, dears."
"Hi, Lilly and Garth."
"Hi, guys."
"Hi, Cole, Kate, Eve, Garth Jr., Nick."
Everyone said hi back then they ran to the woods and howled at the moon before going home and went to sleep. Kate and Humphrey went to the place where they first met.
"I love you so much, Kate," said Humphrey.
"I love you so much, too, Humphrey." They went home and she went to sleep on his shoulder.
"I want to be with you forever," Kate mumbled sleepily.
"I know and I will be." 

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