Chapter 10: Poison

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A.N.: Yeah, I know I left you guys on a cliffhanger in the previos chapter, but I can't help it, you know what I mean?

P.S. I'm not sure if this person will appreciate it or not (if you don't, you can leave a comment, and I'll delete this) but I dedicate this chapter to Witch_Of_Gotham because of their kindness and consideration. Thank you ^~^

P.P.S. I don't feel quite myself yet, but I'm feeling better. At least my stomach isn't threatening to hurl its contents out anymore. :/

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson or any other characters.

Before: I suddenly hear, and feel, something.

The sound of arrows hitting flesh.



I slide out of Phoebe's grip and fall to my knees as the world flips upside down.

There was an arrow embedded in my arm. Actually, there was two. And one in my leg... and I could feel one in my back.

There was a horrible painful burning sensation traveling through my nerves and my veins.


That was the last thought I had before crumpling to the ground like aluminum foil and everything went blissfully black.


Artemis's P.O.V.

No... no, this can't be happening. Who shot him? Was it a monster?

That's when I notice the four Hunters standing there with their bows drawn.

Fury rushes through me. However, they are my Hunters, and I can't punish them... Yet Percy's in danger because of them.

Then, I remember the deadline.

We have to cure him by tomorrow or else we'll be disbanded.

My brain quickly takes advantage of this realization and I try to force myself to believe that this was the only reason I was worried for his health... yet... why had I panicked so badly when I saw the arrows imbed [A.N.: That kind of means 'bury', in case you didn't know c:] themselves in Percy?

A part of my mind still tries to say, It's because you don't want to be disbanded--

But the other part inturrupts, You weren't even thinking about that at the time. You were worried about his safety - about him. You care for him.

No! That's not true... it can't be true... I can't love a mortal man...

But I knew that I was lying to myself, and that Percy wasn't just a 'mortal man'. He was so much more than that.

He had forgiven them after everything they'd done, and he'd been kind about it, too.

Stop denying it, Artemis. You know you love--

I gritted my teeth and pushed that thought away.

I was so not going to think about this right now. I had more important things to do. Such as helping my wounded and unconscious Guardian.

Phoebe's P.O.V.

At first, I was shocked and horrified when he collapsed. I thought I had done something wrong (which was ironic, because I had already caused him so much pain).

I kneel beside his sprawled form and stare at the arrow shafts sticking out of him.

They were silver, with a few streaks of green.

I slowly turn around and see four Hunters. They quickly walk toward me and ask, "Are you okay, Phoebe? He didn't do anything to you, did he?"

I stare at them open mouthed, and realize how terrible we Hunters could be. What have they done?

However, I know I can't fully blame them, because I had been like this too - I had judged Percy wrongly since I first met him...

"Look. Percy wasn't... He wasn't doing anything to me. He's our guardian, and I know this is hypocritical of me to ask, but we have to learn to trust him. Okay?"

They look guilty (and surprised) as they nod their consent. Relieved, I turn back to Percy.

Poseidon's P.O.V.

I am still very worried about my son. Have the Hunters found him yet? I certainly hope so. If they don't find him by tomorrow...

My thought trails off, and a new one takes its place. Maybe I should check on their progress... Yeah, I think I should.

I flash into the Hunters camp, and see them grouped around something.

What are they doing all huddled around? Shouldn't they be searching? Hm... or maybe they've found him. Who knows? I might as well go see what they're up to.

"Artemis! What are you doing? Shouldn't you be searching for my lost son?" I walk toward the small group and see... my son? Why is he lying on the ground... in a pool of... blood? And what is that sticking out of his arm?

Then it hits me.

It's an arrow. They shot him.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY SON???" I almost completely lose control. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO FIND HIM, NOT KILL HIM!"

Just then, Zeus flashes beside me. "Why are you making such a racket, brother?" Then he spots Percy. Zeus is silent.

Artemis tries to calm me, "No, wait, Uncle, I can explain--"


A.N.: Another cliffhanger for you guys ^~^

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and thanks for the support (views) ^^

GirlyGamer101YT signing off.

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