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Sean was peacefully resting on a hammock in between the palm trees enjoying the afternoon breeze as he gazed out into the ocean. It was his dream one day to own a house by the beach. Devin was lucky everything was handed down to him after all he was the son of an oil tycoon. Sidney... he crossed her mind just as he noticed her by the beach. She was caressing the sand with her feet as she strolled towards the shore.

Without noticing his own movement he slid out of the hammock and walked towards her direction. She was wearing one of the bikinis he had bought for her on their first date. He admired the contour of her body. She fiddled with her bikini string, he loved how the color blended with her skin. He could imagine the gentle touch of her skin on his. He slowly dragged his feet towards her direction. He watched her touch the water with her feet and walked in to the ocean trailing her hands around the water. She was a fixation of his imagination. He stood a few meters away from the shore and watched her swim. He did not notice when Devin came and stood next to him.

"Do you love her?" Devin asked staring into the ocean watching her too.

"What do you think" Sean replied after a brief moment. He put his hands in his pocket and turned his eyes to his cousin. Devin was holding a glass of whisky. Typical of his cousin to be drinking all the time.

"I think you should stay away from her..." Devin warned "she is mine and if this is what you wanted us to talk about then don't bother. I have already told you she belongs to me"

"She is not a possession for you to claim cousin." Sean spoke sternly

"You wish she was yours but I'm sorry you lost"

"Devin is this some petty game to you? I will not sit by and let you play games with her" Sean moved close to his cousin speaking harshly.

"You think because I'm not a golden boy its not okay for me to love a decent lady like Sidney but for you..." He poked a finger in Sean's chest as he drowned his drink and threw away the glass before he continued.

"Mr. Perfect you feel you are above everyone and you deserve her. I know I have done many stupid things and made uncountable mistakes but Sidney is the only right thing in my life and I will be damned if you dare take her away from me"

He watched as his cousin stormed off into the house. He gazed back at Sidney who was still swimming. He was not sure of what to do. The girls ran past him into the ocean screaming and shouting loudly.

"You should join us" Lavina shouted

"Actually he can take pictures of us" Amber suggested running back to hand Sean a camera. Smiling affectionately at him. Sean was like his big brother. Although Devin was her brother it was Sean who was more concerned about her. Devin simply viewed her as a threat to his inheritance and treated her according to his moods.

"Are you okay" she paused to look at him

"Yes Amber.  Go and join Tanya and the rest" he replied taking the camera.

"Okay girls your best poses" he moved nearer to the group as he noticed Sidney jog over to join them.

"Everybody say cheese for the birthday girl"

He took several photos of them and joined in a couple. Then they later left everything by the beach and swam in the water. 

"Sean darling, help me tie up my bikini string" Dina swarm next to Sean tying to hold in  place her loose bikini top. Sean helped her tie it back. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the tense gaze of Sidney.

Dina was smiling  "Well thank you Sean" she turned and slightly pecked him on the cheek.

Lavina, Tanya and Amber laughed while Sidney pretended to swim.

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