[1] First Breath

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I smiled as my eyes fluttered open.
After an unbelievably long time, I am finally thrust back into this beautiful world with my friends.
There's no time to waste... I need to collect my teammates and see what's our goal this time around.

Jumping onto my feet in one swift motion, I stared at the people still unconscious - lying lazily on the floor with saliva drooling out.

Let's see... I thought quietly to myself as I moved in to check out my new team.
We got Jeff of course... McJones is here too. Nice! Jared is around, Ray is there too which is great... hm...Dean? I don't quite remember his inviting him... ah who am I kidding?

I paused momentarily to think.
There was only six of us... that makes for quite a small team of players. Going to the nether, fighting the dragon and traversing an alternate dimension would be a copious task...


Almost peeing myself I snapped around to meet whoever spoke at me with that cold tone.
Ah... it was Barry. I remember him from the dimension of Reality. Something tells me I invited him because of his shades...

"Hi there! Awake too?" I beamed at him, brandishing my biggest grin and most uplifting face I could muster.

He didn't make any eye contact, only staring at the far-off trees.
"Yeah." He finally said bluntly, almost like a grunt.

Suddenly a strange noise erupted from the forest, kind of like the screech of a domestic animal and we both ran to see what has happened.

Of course.

Jared was awake, excited to see the world and most importantly - punching the living hell out of donkeys and mules.
"Hoooooly crap there are donkeys now! I want donkey meat!" He shouted with nothing but pure enthusiasm.

"Actually. Donkeys don't drop meat." A voice came from behind.

With arms open for a bro hug, McJones walked up to them with a smile that looked like a smirk on his face. His glasses shone in the sunlight, masking his eyes, making him more epic than ever... and man... was he a sight for sore eyes.
Without haste I ran in for a hug but ended up tackling him down. Which we both accidentally landed on Jeff by accident.

"ARGH-HAAAAA!!!" Jeff screamed as breath left out of his chest.

Desperately trying to push off the two bodies that were piled on top of his previously unconscious body.
"Geroff me!" He shouted angrily, picking up a stick and smacking me with it.

We saw Dean and Ray slowly get up, rubbing their eyes and yawning lazily.
Without thinking Ray ran into the other direction to go gather some wood, just like he always is efficient in his tasks.
Dean just laughed and ran towards us, his glasses also flashing in the summer sun and his shirt covered in grass stains.

"Heeey guys! So glad to be here!" He exclaimed in a chipper happy tone as he pulled everyone in for a bone crushing hug.

There was my ultimate team: standing before me, light escaping through the gaps they formed and looking all out like an epic standstill picture. If I had a camera it would be full of pictures right now. But I have something else to do other than taking pictures...

"Alright team! Strategize! McJones, debrief!" I shouted, meaning to call Ray's attention, who was still gathering wood.

McJones slowly pushed his square glasses up on his face.
"Alright... I'll talk while we gather wood for our house." He simply said.

We all rushed to punch down the trees (which is hella lot more painful than you think) and crafted axes to make the job much more efficient while Jared ran around in the plains punching every single donkey in existence.

"Alright... task of this survival mission is to retrieve the object in the legends : 'The Elytra'. To do this we need to first mine for diamonds to create a diamond pickaxe, which we can construct a portal to the nether with obsidian." He was prematurely interrupted by a donkey whine in the distant plains.

"You have a problem, Jared!" Ray called off into his general direction.

"SHAAAAADUP!" Jared angrily shouted back, waving his arms.

"Riiiight... anyway after building the portal we need to travel to the nether where we will gather blaze rods. In combination with the blaze powder we will craft, we will gather a plastera of ender pearls which will help us creat wonder eyes. We need roughly fifteen."

I screamed as a sneaky creeper went off beside me (which took half my health) and Jeff ran off to Jared's army of donkey corpses, screeching like a bat in daylight.

"er... after we find the stronghold we need to locate the portal within. Placing 12 ender pearls we will activate the portal and jump in."

"Why do we need 15 then?" Dean asked as he picked up a stick.

"Ender pearls lead us to the stronghold but break after roughly 5 uses. So it's safe to have more...
Anyway after we somehow end the enderdragon we go through the gate with an enderpearl and..."

"Profiiiiit!" I dragged my voice.

Another explosion went off behind me and I turned to see Barry the badass with a wooden sword taking on all manners of mobs.

"We should get going before night falls - somewhere with cobblestone." Ray finally said, stuffing the wood he gathered in his inventory.

"Howsabout I just punch some more donkeys?" Jared offered, hands covered in blood and pieces of leather.

"Jared there isn't any cobblestone in donkeys... you have a problem." Ray said rubbing his nose and closing his eyes.

The sun began fading away and the ever-growing darkness sat still. Distant zombies noises came into the cool air and creepers appeared from behind the trees.
It was night and we had no home. Surely our expedition couldn't just prematurely end here?

"Run guys! Into this cave!" Dean yelled as he spotted a creeper following them.

With the aid of Barry, we fend of the creeper with wooden swords and gave our friends an opening to escape, which they all did except for--
"JARED STOP KILLING DONKEYS AND GET IN THE CAVE!!!" McJones shouted loudly from the large cave opening, already renovated by Jeff, Dean and Ray.

"IM PRETTY SURE THERES COBBLESTONE IN SOME OF THEM!" He shouted back without giving us a second glance.

I throw my gear to Barry and madly dashed through the field of hostile zombies and skeletons. Tugging Jared by the ear and dragging him like mother does to her son, tediously I pulled Jared into the cave.
Barry came right after us, sealing the entrance with soil filaments right before a creeper approached us with wicked intentions.

"That..." I gasped. "Was too close."

It has only been the first night and we almost had many casualties already. If we don't pull our act together, how are we going to possibly...?

No! We came to find the Elytra, and we will find the Elytra! Maybe...

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