[3] Hillside Manor

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[Jared POV]

"What was that!" I yelped as I scrambled upwards to find the source of the loud combustion.
Smoke clouded my view and prevented me to see the cause of what had happened, but surely it couldn't be a creeper since we blocked the entrance, right?

I turned to see my friends still dazed from the rude awakening and shooting me a confused glance as if I was the cause of the explosion.
Look, I know I punch donkeys and that's weird but no matter how much I would like to I can't explode on command. Literally no mobs (or donkeys) would exist if that power was mine... actually I would probably fall into lava because of the ground scattering, but you know...

Anyway back on topic the smoke began to disappear and what we were left with was a huge crater the size of a creeper explosion and... McJones holding his dainty shield dearly as if he's been through hell and back.

"St--I mean McJones! You alright?" Austin yelled from behind me, rushing past me to aid his brother.

Slowly and epically as if imitating an action movie, he pushed his glasses to his eyes and smirked.
"I guess this shield is better than I predicted it would be." He muttered through short breaths.


We retreated hastily from the cave that was prone to surprise attacks and began moving to find a better biome. Dean lead the pack and found a lovely riverside where sugar canes grew and domestic animals lazily grazed in the meadows. We all congratulated him on the find and began to work hard.

Dark Oak planks were set down and donkeys were punched (if you were me you would do it too), creating a hose even Barry would smile at from behind those shades. However, our hunger was rapidly falling during our time building and we put up a vote on who leaves to find food.

Ray desperately wanted to go but we refused since his stomach made audible growling noises, suspecting he might just go eat all that he finds raw.

I volunteered but all I have at this point is a small stone sword that's close to shattering. Everyone else seemed to hesitate to volunteer since both our health and our hunger meter are so low that it frightened us.

"I'll go!" Austin piped up after placing down a stack of cobblestone for pillars.

He had a new iron sword he crafted from the remaining iron he collected - a valuable item in our arsenal. So he could definitely get the job done fast and can take on whatever the world throws at him.
His health however...

"Half your hearts and starving, you better be careful..." McJones warned.

Austin smiled,
"Come on! I'm the adventure guy! What wrong has ever come from me going on an adventure?" He said confidently.

Too bad I broke his confidence with my single response of;
"How about that time you wandered off and got yourself lost in a desert?"

He raised a finger and opened his mouth to speak but I interrupted him.

"Not only that you managed to get killed by an enderman." I finished, seeing his stubborn expression form on his face.

"Th-th-that time was different!" He replied, frowning.

"Guuuuuys stop fighting I'm hungryyyyy!" Jeff moaned like an elementary school child from behind Ray.

Austin sighed and waved goodbye.

Despite him landing himself in lots of troubles in his adventures I'm confident that he can handle himself. He proved on multiple occasions he's more than capable of taking on hardships alone. After all, he's played ALL THE CDI GAMES. I have no idea how he did it and how he was able to record that much footage, but I have a feeling he also dragged Jeff into it.

[Austin POV]

*peaceful music playing while Austin slaughters all the sheep, cows, pigs and chickens (who was staring at him with cute anime eyes innocently) he was able to catch while laughing maniacally*

Sorry Vegans this is Minecraft


[Jared POV]

Nothing happened during Austin's journey to find food - all we did was reinforce our house with all the remaining building supplies. Jeff and Ray went out to find more wood and whatever animals were nearby while me and Dean built the house. Barry placed the furnace, chest and crafting table down - putting all our random crap in there.

Austin returned shortly after we used up all of our stone and dusk fell as he walked towards us, arms full of meat and leather. There was blood all over his body and hair, staining even his bright white smile.
"Guys! I found a meadow and murdered everything there!" He shouted happily.

And they thought I had a problem... Austin murdered everything he saw, maybe even a few donkeys...

Everyone gathered as he distributed food (by chucking pieces of raw steak, mutton, pork and chicken in every direction) and began cooking/eating. I saw Dean and Jeff savagely chewing the raw meat - but I'm not that low. Cooking is one of my many specialties!

Throwing a piece of meat in the furnace and lighting coal on fire, I sat back with my friends as we discussed our game plan for the next day.
McJones explained a lot but none of them seemed as important as the major fact that we were going to do nothing tomorrow. Ehhhh at least that's all I cared about....

The plan is Austin, Dean, Ray and Barry will start exploring what seems like a cave under our house tomorrow morning while me, Jeff and McJones will go expanding our field and exploring- basically keeping the food hot for them when they come back up.
I was less than excited....

Oh well... sleep is all I need.

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