[19] Chicken Farm

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I dropped my shovel into the chest and stared at my handiwork

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I dropped my shovel into the chest and stared at my handiwork. Fearing the possibilities that could arrive from my solo actions, I went home straight away after I savaged all the stuff Austin dropped that weren't in a million pieces. Namely his sword, half broken shield, the wool he collected along the pink wool that came from the omen, the enderpearls, blaze rods and even a shovel he was holding for some arbitrary reason.

After returning I built a grave with what I thought best represented him - soul sand for his addiction to danger/adventure and pink wool for the soft side of his behaviour. Also the pink wool killed him... so...
I engraved the words in a rather silly manner even though his demise was one the most pain filled for me. I just thought he'd like something interesting for his title... so...

I really hope -

Austin Hargrave
"Omen got 'em"

works for a now spectating Austin.
It doesn't really suit me but hey, it's not my grave.

"What now?" I moaned, flopping face first in the only bed it the entire house

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"What now?" I moaned, flopping face first in the only bed it the entire house. "I mean I could make more mushroom soup... but that has no help to the goal at all..."

It was so silent it took more way too long to process the fact that I was alone and hopeless. I had a general idea but since I was so oblivious to McJones' debriefing I really have no idea what to do at this point.

I would make potions but I have absolutely no idea how to use the alchemy table- er... the brewing stand. Honestly all the damn netherwart was wasted cause I have no clue how to work it.
(Lil' intermission of Austin face palming with the text 'wasted Netherwart' )

"I got it!" I shouted into the nothingness throughout the house.

Anticlimactic I know... and yes it also sounds like I'm going uttering insane. BUT! Chickens drop feather and meat, which is a key ingredient to my survival against the dragon since it makes food and arrows (not in that order, although eating feathers is entirely possible... I would! Probably not...)

I got seeds from the chest and fences, ready to catch me some chicks! Er... chickens. Not that I don't have any chicks! Ayyyy-- okay I'm done.


Jeff jumps outside with his seeds in hand and shield slung over back. Though a dangerous move, he took off his heavy and hot armour, and changed into his nice cow hide vest that was waaaaaaay lighter and less heated.

He saw a group of chickens in the meadow, peacefully grazing. Silently, he snuck up to the chickens and placed a couple of seeds down in a trail like fashion, leading them to a small one foot deep hole that will hopefully trap them. Dumb as they come, the chicken travelling in groups of five came wandering over to eat the seeds.

Jeff was so into placing seeds down in a path he tuned out everything, even the massive explosion that took place a short ways in front of him... somehow...

"Where's my chicken--"

Finally he noticed the crater in the distance, smoking up with what seemed like a finely roasted chicken and burning feathers.



It took forever but Jeff managed to coop a bunch of chicken, and force fed them three handfuls of seeds hoping they will all mate and produce a dozen more chickens.
Whistling and proud of his minor accomplishment, he wandered out of the coop, unaware of the Enderman that spawned in front of him.

The next second he was being chased by a mad enderman that seemed to value his personal space. And the second after that Jeff smiled at the enderpearl that glowed seamlessly in his hand.

"Don't judge by appearance buddy- not all leather equipped people are newbies!" He smirked.

The next day Jeff woke up from bed, turned on his television and watched the fortune teller and the weather report. He waved at his wife, Penny before he grabbed a piece of toast. Then he dug through his chest by his front door and took out the watering can and his--

(Oh wait... this isn't stardew valley? Oh... give me a second...)

The next day Jeff smiled at the coop of chicken that he built the day before - now somehow populated with a mass amount of chicken. MineCraft biology was apparently way more resourceful than reality.

He pulled his sword, smirked like Ganon from faces of evil and then proceeded to murder all the innocent chicken there.
(Sorry peta :/)
After his maniacal behaviour he gathered all the feather and chicken meat that was left behind.

He was now ready!

[sorry for this hellova boring chapter but I wanted to show Jeff is now independent - he can do stuff too! That's cool.]

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