[13] Survivors

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[Jeff POV]

I shook uncontrollably as McJones took his first step, exposing himself to open fire. He was running faster than anybody would've hoped to run, even faster than me...
Blazes shot from all directions and it was a crossfire of flaming death. Explosion here, explosion there. It was almost exciting to see McJones dashing through flames epically under the dim light of the overhead glowstone if there wasn't a constant threat of death hanging over us.

He was almost there, about a hundred meters left; a basic track and field dash.
Basic enough until a blaze rod flew onto the road and dispatched it into nothing more than bricks falling to the lava filled cravass below. The path erupted into a tangerine flowered flames and the bridge began to collapse all around.
My eyes widened as McJones yelled for help, trying desperately to grab onto the ledge.
...and he finally did!
What a champ!
He's on fire!


His grip suddenly began to loosen, his fingers turning purple trying to support his weigh alone all the while trying to put out the flames that spread from his jeans to his shirt. Blazes seemed to voluntarily stop shooting, intently watching him struggling to keep himself from falling. From afar, I saw Austin's expression change, last minute deciding to jump to catch his brother --

For a second it seems like he'd make it, his hand outstretched and ready to grasp onto his brother's ash stained arms.

He didn't.

As if we were part of an epic Internet show time seem to slow down and all the sounds around us began to grow silent. I heard him whisper 'help' before his hand slipped from the brick that was supported his entire weight. The distant sounds of the blazes changed to laughter and I felt a single tear roll down my cheek.

 The distant sounds of the blazes changed to laughter and I felt a single tear roll down my cheek

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He fell, right into the river of molten lava below...
There was a moment of complete silence. Ray completely pale from shock and Austin still groping for his brother's arm.

I croaked.

Austin's face contorted from fear to complete rage, a side of him I haven't seen since his play-through of the my sims series.
He madly shot at the blazes, taking out a dozen with nothing but an arrow shot at such a force that it sent them flying back several meters. Angered flushed his face a tomato red that matched with the mushrooms that grew on the netherbrick walls.

"THIS IS FOR STEWART YA BASTARD!" He screamed, ignoring the flame that caught on his jeans.

I snapped back to reality, readying myself for a dash. I went with all my speed and leapt right over the gap and stumbled to recover.
Austin pushed me towards the door, slowly backing up himself with his bow still at the ready.

We stood there - staring silently at the two hallways that connected to our temporary base. Anything could jump at us, bothered deeply by the sudden death of Austin's brother- our brother. How could this had happened? I thought spawners spawned only a maximum of two at a time...
Austin, although seemed like the demon possessed him the moment he saw him fall, was now calmest of our bunch and carefully peering at the two hallways.

"Guys... we need to worry about Stewart later. This is no time to mourn--"

Right as he finished, two figures rushed out of the darkness on the right. Their swords were shining under the torchlight. Austin's eyes widened once again.
He pushed me aside and deflected a sword that was meant for me. Ray struggled to fight off a particularly large one with his iron sword.

"G-g-guys I can't manage for much longer! We need to retreat." Ray yelled through gritted teeth.

I agreed.
"He's right!" I cried. Picking up my sword and killing the one that was attacking Ray.

We fell backwards trying to run, which we were only greeted with two more wither skeleton deviously swiping at us with the poison stained swords. There was little escape paths and we were trapped.
What is WRONG with our luck?!


Austin pointed at a central room filled with staircases and a lava fountain. There was no other valid arguments against his option as... well... there were no other options. We ran in and barricaded the entrance with bricks, blocking off the withers.

Right before Austin closed off the the entrance a skeleton threw a sword at us. I ducked and Austin sidestepped and the sword sailed over my hair... that was too close...

We heard a sickening thunk sound.

Slowly turning around to find the source of that sound, my mouth gaped. Austin looked paler than when McJones had fallen.

Ray stood there; with the iron sword plunged halfway into his chest. Blood leaked from his wound and his mouth was drooling bloody saliva.
"Guys... I'm... fine..." he muttered, falling to his knees.

Ray managed to remove the sword and block his wound with a piece of cloth. We rushed to aid him... but the poison got to him before we even took out the food. Eyes weakening and more blood leaking from the curvature of his mouth; he was smiling.

"Hey look.... it's PB and Jeff... who knew...?" He chuckled.
"Planned it all along huh..."

I shook my head with tears in my eyes.
"No! It was not planned! I wanted us to all to win!" I yelled with several voice cracks.

Austin looked grim,
"We need to get you food.... here I have some steak--"

Ray's hand slowly came up and stopped Austin from feeding it to him,
"... I've done the best of my abilities... it's selfish to continue..." he muttered.

We watched as his eyes slowly closed.
"Ahhh... it was nice playing MineCraft with you guys.... back to achievement hunting..."

I broke into tears

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I broke into tears. This is it... the end.

In this episode there were actually two deaths in one episode. My heart dropped as McJones got bullied by Blazes and Ray Poisoned by the wither. It was so surprising I NEEDED to show an element of surprise! I'm sorry for the graphic stuff but I'm pretty sure it's fine cause Jared DID gore a dozen Donkeys or so... anyway see you in the next chapter of... PB AND JEFF!


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