Rendezvous // Paulo Dybala

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"I haven't seen you in a while." Says Paulo from behind me but I remain facing forward as I eye the pink liquid that's bubbling in my glass.

It's true we haven't seen each other in a quite some time because I've been pretty busy and so has he but I haven't exactly missed him if I'm honest. Then again we see a lot of each other so this little break has been kind of refreshing. And although I haven't missed him over these past weeks doesn't mean I'm not happy to see him again, also he looks undeniably sexy tonight.

"Missed me?" I question while busying my fingers on the rim of my glass.

"What's not to miss. . ." His tone lowers and I can feel him take a step closer as he ghosts a single finger over my bare back, "And this dress is doing your body wonders."

"Thank you Paulo but get your hands off me before someone notices."

He reluctantly moves his hand and takes another step forward so that he's now standing beside me but he still manages to keep his distance.

"I wish I could lock myself in with you for a whole week and just remain there alone." He whispers before bringing his glass of whiskey up to his lips.

I look up at the dancers to keep my eyes from wandering back to his enticing face but it doesn't work for long because my eyes keep drawing back to the side of his face.

"Hm and what will we do for a whole week?"

He tries to put a hand on my lower back again but quickly withdraws as realisation hits him. He only went home for a mere few weeks on international break and we've barely been reunited for 10 minutes yet he can't keep his wandering little hands to himself.

"I could think of quite a few things." He finally makes eye contact with me and I smile up at him when my eyes meet his much lighter ones. He returns the smile with a small wink before looking ahead of him again.

"Do any of those things involve us getting naked?" I ask teasingly.

"I wouldn't mind taking you home right now even, tying you to my bed and just having my way with you till you're begging me to stop." He leans slightly closer to whisper into my ear and I shiver at the sound of his low voice, "Beautiful dress but you have know idea how badly I want to rip it off you."

"Wouldn't be the first time then." I scoff, scooting over a bit, "And this dress was expensive you can remove it gently and hang it away neatly brother." I pat his shoulder.

"I can try being gentle. And don't call me brother, it's disgusting."

"But what if I called you daddy?" I flutter my lashes mischievously up at him. I'm only kidding around though because I know he doesn't have a daddy thing- or so I think. He's never mentioned anything like that actually.

"I'm not your dad, you can call me Paulo." He says sternly causing me to giggle at his serious expression. He needs to stop taking me so seriously all the damn time, shit.

"I prefer Pauly."

"I hope you choke." He says, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Choke on your dick yeah." I whisper and I know I'm pushing him right now but I've missed getting on his every last nerve.

"Shut up please we're in public."

"Don't tell me to shut up." I frown at his lack of manners.

"Okay do you really want me to shove my dick in your mouth?" He snaps down at me rhetorically and I fake a gasp.

"No thanks, I already ate dinner love."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He questions as if he's missing something.

"It's means nothing except the fact you can keep your dick in your pants and away from my mouth."

"If you don't shut your damn mouth now I'll force feed you." He smiles sarcastically and I pull a face at him when he looks away.

"You're so disgusting Mr.Dybala and I'm now very disturbed." I pretend to be completely gobsmacked but he only gives me a warning look.

"Ugh lighten up sometimes Paulo." I say smiling up at him innocently.

"No. You push my buttons just because you can."

"Just because I can?" I quirk a brow, "So does that mean I'm getting away with it?"

"I don't know. Maybe."

"So I am then?. . .Nice."

"Come by my house when you ditch this joint. And get rid of those panties." He turns around and walks off leaving me all by myself with the sound of his dry, unamused tone ringing faintly in my ears still.

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