Congratulations // Julian Draxler

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Dedicated to piamiaxx

My heart was pounding loudly within the enclosure of my heaving chest as I looked on with wide eyes while families of the players poured on to the pitch all around me, the sound of cheering fans suddenly becoming a distant thump in my eardrums.
My mind was clouded with all the overwhelming emotions. So many of us were crying out of joy meanwhile other's spilled tears over their major loss here tonight.

As I stood there drinking in the atmosphere, I was pulled into multiple hugs and each time the person would murmur a congratulations before heading off again but I was too hypnotized to form a somewhat coherent reply so I'd just send them off with a simple nod of acknowledgment.

I'm overjoyed to bring light to the fact Julian scored the winning goal for his national team, thus winning the World Cup for them. But when he used his celebration as a source to reveal my three month long pregnancy by stuffing the match ball underneath his jersey I was taken by surprise and, amongst the hysterical screams, so were some other's; especially the one's sitting alongside me in the secluded glass box, all eyes were suddenly on me and questions were being thrown at me left and right but everyone's attention quickly turned back to the game when I gave short, half-assed replies.

The energy could be felt throughout the stadium in this moment and some of Germany's players took it in their stride to kindly attempt to console their torn up opponents while other's cheered with their kids and posed for photos amongst each other.

Julian approached me with a massive grin on his face and the blue Argentina jersey in his grip, his chest and torso glistening with sweat.

"The cat's out of the bag." He points out as if I hadn't realised by now, this causing me to laugh at his silliness.

"At least I don't have to worry about telling everyone individually now." I shrug, allowing him to wrap me up in a tight bear hug.

"Congratulations baby." He murmurs into the the crown of my head.


"Dimitri," Julian calls the second he enters through the front door, dropping his gym bag as he passes through the foyer.

"He's in the backyard." I answer, knowing Dimitri is too busy going wild on the jumping castle out back to bother with his Dad right now, "How was training?"

"Nothing I can't handle of course." He laughs, leaning across the counter to peck my lips.

"Right." I laugh along, focusing on chopping the vegetables in front of me without getting my fingers caught under the blade of the large knife.

Julian grabs a bottled water from the fridge and peers through the glass door leading into the backyard as he downs the whole bottle of water in one go, "How long has he been out there?"

"All morning. The neighbours kids joined him for a bit but got tired after an hour." I shrug, placing the vegetables in the pot of boiling water to cook.

"He hasn't even lied down for a nap yet?"

"He'll pass out after lunch, trust me."

"I wish I could lie down for a nap. I'm exhausted." The dark-haired man sighs tiredly.

A smile creeps onto my lips, I don't bother biting it back as I lift my eyes from the pot to look up into Julians dark gaze, "I thought you said all that training was nothing you couldn't handle."

"It's not that," What seems like his umpteenth sigh, slips past his thin lips heavily, "I just didn't get much sleep last night. You didn't even notice me leaving the room and creeping downstairs to play video games because you were sleeping like a rock."

"You drool a lot." He adds teasingly but it only earns him a fist to the abdomen, "Ow! you prick."

"Why can't you just go lie down for a bit?" I frown in confusion after swallowing my laughter.

"Oh yeah," He raises his brows as if remembering something important, "Thiago invited a bunch of us guys over for dinner and a couple of drinks at his place because his wife is away at her mothers for the weekend."

"So I have to get ready."

My frown deepens, "It's only noon though. Go relax."


Despite being tired Julian decided to join Dimitri in the jumping castle anyway and even as a grown man he was, seemingly, having the time of his life. Both my boys turned down the lunch I had offered once it was ready for serving so I turned the appliances off and cleared up the kitchen and living room before settling in on the sofa to watch some mindless television. The giggling and yelling floating in from the backyard had died out a while ago but I've only just noticed so I slip my feet into a pair of house shoes and head out to find out why on earth they've gone silent all of a sudden. Hopefully the bouncy house didn't collapse on them. Julian kinda has a habit of being clumsy and wrecking the most random of items around the house. A couple of weeks ago I ran out to stock up on some groceries and Julian somehow broke the mantel piece in the 20 minutes that I was gone, of course all the photo frames and ornaments had crashed down with it, nearly every item was shattered and when I returned he was casually trying to find a place to hide the remains, where I would't see them

Thankfully he has replaced the mantel piece and all our picture frames.

"Dimitri?" I call stepping onto the veranda. No answer.

With my hoodie hugged to my torso I trek across the grass, over to the jumping castle to get a peek inside. 

My heart melts at the sight of both Julian and Dimitri passed out beside each other. Our sons short arms wrapped loosely around Jules' head. They're so cute, I coo internally.

After fawning over them for a second more I go back to grab them a light blanket and decide against disturbing them, the sight is just too precious.


an: this took me like 23248 years I'm sorry if it's bad :''''')

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