Yes Officer // Hector Bellerin

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"Turn off the engine ma'am. License and registration please?" Asks the officer in an assertive, yet surprisingly soft tone, so while blinking rapidly into the dark to widen my heavy eyes, I feel for my documents and then hand them over to the unusually dapper looking cop, "Mind if I get your ID as well sweetheart?"

I, for some reason, reluctantly hand over my ID as well but without showing my reluctance on my face in fear of getting accused of something. Either way though this brief encounter is not going to end well for me.
He disappears back to his car for a moment and eyes the documents while simultaneously saying something into his walkie talkie that I'm too far out of range to decipher, not that I really care to either.
Not even minutes later he returns, handing me my belongings back which I nervously take from him.

"They're legitimate and in order." He announces, "You on the other hand don't seem to be fully present and gathered though. May I ask how much you've had to drink tonight?"

"Officer uh- Bellerín, has anyone ever told you just how handsome you truly ar-" I begin to say but he gives me an intimidating look and momentarily flashes his flash light in my face to examine my exterior.

"My question to you was; How much you think you've had to drink?" He repeats more sternly which immediately shuts down any thought I had of worming my way out of this one by luring him in, "Do you feel you want to just take the sobriety test so I can then proceed with arresting you with a DUI?"

"I didn't have anything to drink Officer." That's not a lie, I actually haven't consumed a drop of alcohol all night but I have a couple of rolled joints and a sack of uncut marijuana in my cabby hold so if I get found out I'm surely gonna be put under arrest for more than just a night in a holding cell at the precinct.

"Ma'am would you mind stepping outside the vehicle for a moment?" I nod sluggishly as a reply before obliging by slowly climbing out of my pitch black van, "Show me your hands please,"

"Turn around, hands on the hood for me." I do just that and make sure to show him my hands, shaking them to put emphasis on the fact I'm unarmed and clearly defenceless

Without further demands he places his hands on my chest bones and pats me over my breasts, both in the front and the sides, before running his hands all over my torso, when he doesn't find anything there. When his hand runs up my thigh and underneath my skirt to the very top of my thigh I jerk forward in surprise. But this only seems to make him suspicious so he goes underneath my skirt yet again to make sure and his hand, I assume accidentally, brushes over my covered centre in the process.

"Do you get this personal with all your felons?" I look over my shoulder at him and he raises from his crouching position so that he's now towering over me.
He rubs me over my panties from behind, telling me to spread my legs some more.

"I'm only doing my job love."

"If your job includes feeling me up then you're doing great Officer."

"Do you feel like I'm touching you in places I shouldn't be?" He questions, yet again rubbing me through my thin panties.

"N-no not at all." I murmur, pretending to play the submissive.

"You're clean but I'm gonna have to search your car as well just to make sure." I nod and lean back against the fender on the side of my van with a struggled sigh as I watch him approach the passenger door first.

I can't be caught, not tonight. I still have to be back home in a couple of days to keep up appearances with my "highly" family and if they hear that I can't make it because I've been locked up they'd quite literally disown me without hesitation.

It doesn't take too long for him to find what he's looking for and when he does my heart drops to the very pit of my stomach. He holds the bag of weed up to me and I give him the most timid and forced smile.

"You didn't have anything to drink yeah?" I murmur a nervous yes, "What about something to smoke?"

"Officer please, none of it's mi-"

"No need to lie to me Ms..uh- Burke, your eyes are blood shot and droopy." He tosses the bag onto the passenger seat of his black cop car and places one of his hands on the hood casually as he eyes me over for a second, "Now what are we going to do about you?"

"I literally cannot be arrested- well not this weekend at least, my family will legit disown me," I fidget with the hem of my skirt out of nervousness only to have him grab my wrist abruptly and tell me to quit it, "Can't you just take my number and get back to me like some time in the week and you can arrest me then, I don't really care, but I am actually dead meat if my family find out about this."

My eyes widen when he reaches for his hip and pulls out a pair of heavy cuffs, this is so not happening to me right now. This is so not happening!

"I'm afraid that's just not how this type of thing works sweetheart." He gently takes one of my wrists and uses it to turn me around so that my front is yet again pressed to his car. When he latches the cuff on to one of my wrists the panic begins to rise within me and I suddenly feel like there are hot tears on the verge of pouring down my face but nothing happens even as he restrains my other arm as well.

"Now," He opens the backdoor and gestures me inside, "You're gonna be a good girl for me and follow orders yes?"

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