Pops // Hector Bellerin

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"Morning Hec." I smack his ass while passing by him and grabbing a peach from the fruit bowl.

"Morning, did you sleep well?"

"I mean between all the constant kicking and blanket hogging, I guess so." I reply sarcastically.

"Every morning I ask, and every morning I get the same answer." He rolls his eyes at me but he's muttering mostly to himself as he busies his hands with something in the mixing bowl in front of him.

"So stop asking." I shrug, "Also don't forget your endless snoring."

"Fine," He pouts bringing his shoulders up to his ears to mimic my shrug, "I won't ask."

"Why do you have a boner?" I ask, mindlessly poking his hard-on as I spin around in my stool, "It's poking my soul mate."

"My morning wood has yet to settle down," He points his finger at me in warning, "And don't touch it again."

"Don't touch it? Fine by me." I smile before biting into my peach.

"Hey Mummy." I hear Parker murmur in his squeaky voice from his spot in the doorway. He rubs his eyes to rid them from sleep and I can't help but laugh at how his raven coloured locks are sticking up in every which direction.

"Hi baby." I greet with a smile in his direction. He pads over to me lazily so I hoist him up on to the counter in front of me.

"Am I invisible?" Mutters Hector under his breath.

"Parker say hi to your dramatic dad!" I coo, giving Hector a sarcastic smile.

"Morning Papa." Parker grins up at his pouting dad causing his eyes to disappear to mere slits in his head very much like Hector whenever he laughs or smiles even.

"Morning boy. You gonna give daddy a kiss?" He ruffles our boys hair and leans in for a kiss but Parker pushes his big face away, his little button nose pulling up in a disgusted cringe.

"Do I get a kiss though?" I pout, cupping his chubby cheeks between my small hands. Without hesitation he kisses me smack on the lips then on the nose as well.

Hector fakes a gasp and grabs Parker at the front of his pyjama top without being too rough with the little guy, "Are you making a move on my girl?"

"But she's my mummy and she loves me more." He gives his dad a look that just screams mischief and complacency.

I tickle his stomach, earning a loud giggle, "Of course I do."

"That's okay I love the dog more than I've loved either of you anyway." Hector pokes the tip of Parkers nose before continuing to mix whatever the hell it is he's making for breakfast.

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