In Memory of Lou

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Friendly banter was the que card people knew you for.
A smile so contagious it corrupted even the stubbornness frown.
Never one to overboard others with words but your actions stood out.
A soul who was so young to look at upon at the surface.
Inspired receipes that bought joy to the people who participated,
How was is that we all missed that ache in your eyes?
We couldn't see the longing of a broken soul?
The very smile you inspired with, was it a broken reflection to the world?
Some were blessed to know you better than others.
But even those who only met you for a season were enchanted by your giving spirit.
When did darkness settle into the hues of this colourful soul? We will never know.
The path left by a star who blazed so steadily that all missed to see the freezing core.
May your spirit find the peace that we your brethren could not give you in this life.
All the missed pain that was hidden so well be left at life's door.
We pray your weariness of soul and mind is now being undone in planes we can not see.
Blessed be our lost Sister but not forgotten.
Perhaps one day when we meet you can forgive us for missing your pain so deep.
Though some were not close, you left marked experiences of friendship and love on all you met.
We will let your trail of light be a warning and reminder to catch those falling as you did.
Rest well Lou and may joy be yours as it was not in your last days. :(

Written 28th Jan 2015 ♡

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