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Ever had the feelings no matter what you do to be real it all seems fake? The attempts to reach out and grab life becomes but the clutching onto dust that's already seeped away. 

Your understanding of day to day mocks you back in your face as one's you thought you could trust crush your heart under their boots.
Trying to maintain a sense of being gets to the point of its a lie you tell yourself to make it through one more day.

You argue that it's okay to survive not really knowing friends as all the ones you had weren't even that. Or that the masks we wear are all there is as you can't remember your own true reflection. My question is what the point? You learn, you adapt, you reach out, you play damage control on a broken heart all day. Then you get told you fell behind where you originally were and that you were wrong all long....

Written Feb 18, 2014

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