Lost Identity

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I truly don't know what the word 'me' means any more

Is it a concept of age that has flavoured with experience?
Are the trials, joys, ups and downs the sum total personality?
What does it actually amount to dissect moments?
Confusion in moments when my actions seem alien even to myself?
Do ties too friends, family, acquaintances actually matter?
Who is it that constantly chips at the sense of how reality is perceived?
And what the hell is reality even about??
Where did this stomach churning doubt creep in of every action?
Is education or life experience more valued in a sign-less life?
When did the sense of feeling old creep into what's seen as a young body?
Is it easier to stop planning and just stand still?
Are plans of moments what truly count, so its a case of move at all times?
Is happiness a lie told to convince ourselves we are fulfilled?
What if...... its all wrong and nothing is what we tell ourselves?
Then who cares for these negative questions?
Life is a mess, its moments of questions but its sum and total is all you.

Wrtten Feb 26, 2015

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