Return to the cliffs edge

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I don't know what to say...
I have been here before...
Except this time it's not mine...
You stepped off the cliff of life...
Is that step all they say it is?

Will you find peace upon the rocks of death...
Does the spray of oblivion release you to joy...
Will we actually see you again after your ashes have flown?

You pinky swore to be there when my heart ached...
My heart aches Parni..
You left to follow your husband...
I have to cling to the hope I will see You and Grandpa again?

I can't stop the tears that drip unbidden as my screen blurs...
You were the one who taught me the passion of words...
I watch my mother unravel as your warmth flees this mortal realm...
This blow has finally taught me that there are no colours in grief...
Please do not be a stranger to your left behind offspring...
We love you beyond this realm...but it still hurts so much...
I can't even think to be strong were my/our role model.

This cliff edge is so familiar but so different as we all stand on the edge you so willingly stepped off.
One day when I step off...please be there with the others gone before to meet me at the break of the waves.
May I in the mean time meet you in the places between dreams and the veil that hides your soul from us when I sleep?

Snapshots of Pain, Grief And LossWhere stories live. Discover now