Part Five

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my newest fan, @PeachesWithCream! :)

My inspiration comes from my fans. :')

I love them so much! <3

P.S. I never realised that I forgot to publish this omg! x( I thought I did. I must have subconsciously imagined/hallucinated that I did. x_x

As usual, please don't forget to vote, comment or fan! :)

Love, x x x


I gave out the test papers to the class as they sat in their rows, fidgeting nervously. Today was the day of their examinations, and most of them were scared to bits.

Blake, on the other hand, was as cool as the iceberg that sank the Titanic.

I quietly observed him from my desk as he confidently took out a pen and scribbled the answers down. He finished half and hour earlier than the designated time and fell asleep on the table.

He looked so innocent, resembling a sleeping angel.

But on the other had, I had also seen him as an avenging devil before, and it was not pretty.

"Time's up." I announced loudly. I saw defeated faces putting their pens down, and for a second I was glad I was not the one having to endure difficult tests.

Blake shuffled around, sitting up in his seat and ran a hand through his hair. He yawned.

"Pass your papers to the front."

There were excited chatters as the papers slowly gathered in the front row. I walked along the front of the classroom, collecting the papers and when I reached Blake I was somehow hoping that our hands would brush together again.

They did not.

As soon as I had a good grip on the papers, he swiftly snatched his hand back, as if repulsed by my presence. I could not help but felt a little hurt at his curt actions.

I had a free period after that so I returned to the students lounge and started to grade the papers... after all, there is no point in pushing what you can do today to tomorrow, right?

I was wincing on behalf of the students. I had set the questions myself for this test but never actually realised how high the standard was. This was a really big percentage of their grade and to be honest most of them were getting borderline passes, if not failures.

When I had reached Blake's paper, I paused for a moment, getting lost in my daydream as I trailed my finger over his lettering. Blake Manson... that name fitted him. He was dangerous, daring and strong.

But as I picked up my red pen to grade his paper, I broke out in cold sweat.

Blake Manson was also smarter than he looks. Much smarter.

He had scored a flawless 100%, whereas my most attentive and hardworking students had scored around 60%. He was a genius and it freaked me out completely. Just how good was this boy?

Everyone knew that behind extraordinary talents there were huge prices to pay, be it through hard work or dirty work.

Sadly, I could not help but suspect it was the latter.


That day, I did not meet up with Blake for coffee. To rid myself of the gloomy veil hanging over me, I decided to go for a jog around the neighbourhood. It was well past ten at night and the neighbourhood could get a little scary but I wasn't really afraid of the dark nor what was lingering in the dark, since I had never had any accidents before.

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