Part Four

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A/N: Heys! It's morning here, so good morning! :) To those where it's dark all out, good night! :D

Hope you like this chapter. :) It's more of a filler to show that Blake and Elisa and trying to get closer... :)

Vote, comment and fan! :)

Love, x x x

P.S. I know this chapter is kinda short, but it's dedicated to my super funny and awesome fan, @bluefishy! :)


I was running late for my 'date' with Blake.

We were having coffee together again. I pushed the tinted doors open and the cold air-conditioners greeted me. Today it was a little warmer and so I was just wearing a short dress. Yeah, I know I said I was not the epitome of girly but girls were known to have these things called moods. I was having one today.

"Hey." I greeted breathily. I had just walked briskly for the past ten minutes from my house.

"Oh hi." Blake looked up from his phone and his eyes wandered over my body.

"My eyes are up here." I reminded him, feeling totally at ease with him, although I should not be.

This was not our first rendezvous. Or our second. I was a horrible person.

"I do believe this is the first time I've seen you wearing a dress." He smirked as he held his phone up, snapping a picture unabashedly.

"You literally took a picture before I could say 'take a picture, it'd last longer'." I scowled at him. I reached into my bag for the huge jacket he had leant me a few days ago.

"Here. This is yours. I forgot to return it the other day." I sheepishly handed in over, taking one last whiff of his scent secretly.

"Keep it. You need it more than I do." He waved his arm lazily and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it up..

"Hey -"

"Relax, we're sitting in a smoking area." He chuckled as he inhaled deeply and breathed out a cloud of smoke. A smile found its way to his face, and he still looked handsome, despite the fact that the smoke was making it a little hard for me to breathe.

I felt my eyes water a little but I said nothing, not wanting to upset him. I ordered a vanilla latte, like the first time I had met him in the coffee house.

"Have you been smoking again?" The question left my lips without even registering with my brain, and it was too late to take it back. I was just hoping Blake's answer would be "No".

"Well I am now, aren't I?" He murmured almost inaudibly, dashing my hopes.

I sighed.

"You've really changed a lot since high school." He said out of the blue, reminding me of the lovely picture stuck on my back the other day. He scrutinised my face, staring so intently I felt like peeing my pants.

"Piss off." I complained while squirming in my seat, while he laughed at my reaction. "How did it even get on my back without me noticing?"

"Oh, that's easy. It was me." He smirked and pointed at himself, taking yet another long drag on his cigarette.

"Wait, what?" I did not understand that. I certainly did not see how Blake managed to stick the picture on my back.

"When I helped you take your books you slipped and I caught you, remember?" He winked at me while I struggled to recall the events. A light bulb lit up in my brain and I looked back at the traitor.

Never Grow Up {Watty Awards 2012: Teen Fiction}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang