Chapter Ten

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2 weeks later

I woke up by the sound of my phone ringing. "Hello." I said tiredly. "You need to get to the hospital right now." Ian demanded. "What's up?" I got out of the bed quickly.

"Mom ain't feeling to good right now." He stated. "Aight. I'm on my way." I ended the call. It's 5:15 in the morning. I put some pants and a shirt on. I wrote a note for Z explaining where I went.


"What's going on?" I asked. My mother looked pale. She also looks like she's been suffering in pain. "Do you want to tell them?" Dad asked Mom. She shook her head. What could be wrong with her that she won't tell us?

"You're mom has cancer." My heart just stopped. This has gotta be a dream. I don't believe for one second that she has cancer. "For how long?" Ian asked. "Four years." Dad answered. Why couldn't they tell us earlier?


Ian called saying my mother ain't feeling well so I'm at the hospital.

I hope his mom is ok. The flight's in two hours. I made sure I had everything packed. I called Trevor.  "Hello." "Is she ok?" I asked. "She... has cancer." It seems like his voice was breaking. "You need to be by your family right now. I'm just going to go to Oakland alone." I spoke.

"Come to the hospital so I can drop you." He said. "Text me the address."
After he texted the address I got my bags and went downstairs. I was able to get a taxi. I told the taxi driver the address.

It took us ten minutes to get there. "How much?"  I questioned. "Thirteen dollars."  I handed him the money. Trevor took my bags from me. "She's going to be ok." I assured him. "No she isn't. She's had it for four years." He growled.

We were silent on the way to the airport. "Bye." I got out of the car and got my bags from the trunk. He didn't even say bye back or help me. He stayed in the car feeling gloomy. I get that he's mad but it's like he's mad at me.

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