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Journey's P.O.V.

On the run nowhere to go and no place I can call my home it really does suck being a magical being. I fight the monsters that those stupid humans don't see and or even know exist because, of me. I ran through the tree's trying to throw them off track but, they have dogs and not just any dogs they are hound dogs. The worst kind of dogs to be tracked down with well, right after german shepherds. I hopped over a small hole in the ground covered by leaves and turned my head to the right to look behind me and saw the men running with their dogs and one of the dogs was going to fall in the hole so I ran back dropped to the ground and closed my eyes fixing the hole and I then ran up a tree that I do actually call my home and went to the top where it was the thinnest and opened a sealed door entered and closed by waving my hand in front of it. I then hurriedly ran down the oak wood smoothly sanded stairs and once the stairs ended I was in the place I called my home and walked into the kitchen. In my kitchen I had a beautiful rose wood perfectly sanded table on the checkered red and black flooring. I then had beautifully carved day dream cabinets and a fridge I had painted like a galaxy right next to them. I walked over to my fridge and slowly opened it to see my water that I had purified and cleansed. I took it out of the fridge and put it on the counter stood next to it which was just like the cabinets and looked back into the fridge to find my apple I had grown earlier and a raw steak and pulled the two items out. Once I grabbed them and put them on the counter with my water I walked towards the left corner of the kitchen and bent down as I opened the cabinet I pulled out my tongs for the steak and shut the cabinet door. As I stood up I grew a grill out of stone and waved my hand above the pit in it and made charcoal appear. I walked back over to the counter by my fridge and grabbed the steak I then threw it behind me perfectly landing on the grill and I pointed behind me to the grill and a tiny fire started in it cooking the steak and I got onto my tippy toes and reached up high as I opened the cabinets above the countertops and grabbed some meat tenderizer, onion salt, garlic powder, steak seasoning, and some olive oil for only a dab. I then turned around to see my pet bunny she's a baby her name is Olive and she talks and she asked "how did it go?" I told her "how did what go?" she hopped closer to me and said "how did saving those people go?" I sighed and told her while grabbing my seasonings and bringing them over to the table "they just won't listen to reason from as they say 'people like us'" and she gave me her wet eyes as she looked down and said "I see i'm sorry Journey" I put on a nice layer of meat tenderizer and told her "don't be it's not anyone or anybody else's fault except for the people who just can't believe that magick is harmless, most of the time". The white bunny gave a little more of a cheery look as she asked "what are ya' cooking?" I pulled carrots out of the ground and washed them off in the sink as I told her "cooked carrots for you and an apple with a water and steak for me" she basically drooled over the word 'carrots' and asked "you wouldn't happen to have gotten me any milk now have you?" I chuckled and went back to the grill and started putting a fair amount of onion salt, garlic powder, and some steak seasoning and told her as I put just a dab of olive oil on it "yes, Olive I had not forgotten about your milk" she hopped in joy as I went into my fridge and grabbed out a carton of milk. I then brought it to the table and she changed into her human form as she said "thank you so much Journey!" I smiled and said "no problem really Olive now my steak should be done in three two one" and as I said that my steak was finished cooking and I smiled as she said "on time as always" I walked over to it and put my hand near the fire and snapped my fingers having water flood the fire putting it out and drying up. I then grabbed the steak and put it on a plate I had set out earlier and smiled a toothy grin as I grabbed Olives carrots and I held them by the body and steamed them with fire I had coming out of my hand. After I had finished cooking them I placed them on her plate and said "there you go olive" and went to my cupboard and grabbed a cup. Once I had shut the cupboard door I walked over to the milk carton and poured Olive her milk so that she could actually drink it and put it away in the fridge. I walked back to the table and sat down next to Olive where my food was as I told her "bon' appetite!" she dug in and I used my knife and fork to cut my steak and eat it piece by piece. After dinner I was tired and so I walked back up the stairs groggily and into my room which I painted with a red dye and some white trimmed borders. I walked over to my bed and sat on it as I fell back onto the bed I looked up completely and saw the night sky stars shining and the moon being as mysterious as always after about twenty seconds of non-stop staring at the night sky Olive came into the room in her bunny form and laid down on the end of my bed so i knew it was time to sleep. I twisted my body over to the left lifting my legs and pushing the covers down so that I could put my legs in I then laid my legs down when all the blankets were out of that spot and I sat up and pulled the night sky patterned blanket up and over my torso. After I was warm enough I had fallen into a deep sleep but, I felt Olive come closer and lay next to me.

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