Journey's P.O.V.

I asked the boy "am I really?" he nodded and said "yeah, nobody has heard from or seen a real Avion or Avioness in thousand's of years and even you should know that the chances of a being mystical or not and living for thousands of years are slim to none". I nodded at this and told him "I know I just wish it wasn't true" he gave off a sympathetic smile and I then asked "hey, do you still need to find your way to Enost Gathe?" he told me with a smile "yes, I do" I smiled back and told him "follow me I was just leaving the opposite way". I started walking towards the way of the village as he followed me and he started a conversation as he asked "so, where did you grow up?" I told him "which part of my life the one before I knew I was an Avioness or the really messed up one i'm living right now?" he chuckled and asked "why are you so appealing?" I tilted my head and asked "what do you mean? Also weird" he gave off another tiny chuckle and said "I mean why are you so interesting like in personality" I looked at him and said "oh, right well um I guess it's because, i'm different than most people in a literal and figurative way". We came to a stop about ten feet away from the gate to Enost Gathe and I told him "well, i'll meet you sometime in the future goodbye Keiran i'm heading that way if you have any questions!" I pointed towards the South and turned as he stood there I then started off walking towards the South. I made it ten steps away before I heard Keiran yell to me "wait!" I turned my head around towards him and asked "what?". He ran over to me and asked "can I come with you?" I asked him "why would you want to?" Keiran then told me "I want to come because, I will be lost if I stay here". I sighed at this and told him "fine, we leave now" and I walked forwards. Keiran followed as if he was a lost puppy dog and tried talking to me. We were about half way through the forest when I heard a small but, distinct cackle it was one of the tiny monsters so when Keiran was about to say something else I told him "quiet" he shut his mouth right away and I crouched down low dagger in hand and waited for the beast to attack. As I was standing back up Keiran said "I didn't hear anything" I glanced at him until I was fully up on both two feet and I turned towards him a little hands on my hips and told him "it must have ran away". We walked a little longer until I heard the laugh and I stopped again this time it came out of the bushes and jumped up at my face until I grabbed my dagger and stabbed it in the arm it thankfully fell down after that holding it's arm and I took my dagger back as it ran away. I smirked and turned back the way we were heading and continued on walking as Keiran asked "what was that thing?" I told him serious face on "that Keiran was an eristroten" he then asked "a what-en now?" I told him "a eristroten they are tiny men bird things that attack people in the woods and Avion's and Avioness's" he said "oh.. Okay then why haven't human's ever been told about them by the people who have seen them?" I told him "maybe because, the one's who do see them never come back out" he shivered and I said "well better stop here it's getting dark and it's even more dangerous at night" he nodded and said "good point so where are we setting up shop?" I told him "in this tree". He looked at me like i'm nuts and asked "in a tree?" I told him "yes, what are you treecist?" he said very quickly "no!" and I chuckled as I told him "i'm kidding just watch" I then waved my hand on the bark of the tree and a door formed. I told him "wala!" and opened it to see a home inside" he stepped in first with me following behind and once in I waved my hand over the visible door and hid the door. He then asked "how did you make this?" I told him "this Keiran is what we call a tree home it's where Avion's and Avioness's used to live after getting kicked out of their villages" he nodded at every word and I told him "there are two rooms up those stairs I call the one on the right got it? Good goodnight". I then walked up the staircase and into the room on the right to see a galaxy colored room and went straight to the bed. I laid down on the bed before I could be asked any more question's and fell asleep.

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