Not An Actual Update

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Hello My Birdies,

It is I DrawingNerd and I wanted to give you all a head's up on the update schedule for my book's just so you won't ask questions about when I will be updating the book's so here we go.

Book Update Schedule

Monday-Crimson Eye's

Tuesday-Their Saviors Within

Wednesday-Journey To Find Who I Am

Thursday-Young Justice Still Young

Friday-Back To Summer In Gravity Falls

Saturday-Crimson Eye's

Sunday-Their Saviors Within

Well that's all and some days I will actually change it up a bit, I may write two so i'll update that book twice or i'll write two different chapters for two different books and update them both that day but, don't expect that often since I am now back in school officially by today. So thank's for the support birdie's and i'll see you all later bye!

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