Journey's P.O.V.🌹

We continued on in our quest to find the village of hitgurada yeah yeah, I know what business do I have with going to a village of magical creatures and items? I actually have to ask the highest lincs if he could help me with something. We kept walking and soon Lucky asked "so where are we going?" I told her "nowhere special just a place I need to get to in a few days and if I don't well, then" Lucky asked "well then what?" I told her "nothing" I put my arms crossed behind my head and closed my eyes as we kept walking and soon enough Keiran yelled at me to "watch out there's a tree in front of you!" I kept my position and just walked up the tree and back down. I could feel the stares I was getting from the two and I told them "I have different powers such as being able to sense objects and to walk up things" they stopped staring and followed. I finally opened my eyes at a certain flower and I put one hand on my right hip and the other arm down by my waist as I said "Crypta open the door" the two stared again questioningly and Keiran asked "what door?" in front of us a door opened and I saw my old friend Crypta and I asked "how are you Crypta?" she smiled and backed up allowing us to enter. When I had walked through the doorway and into the pub I turned around and smiled at the two still standing outside and I told them "come on, before a eristroten get's ya' I wouldn't want to have to pick you both out of it's teeth" Keiran was first and said "bye!" as he entered then Lucky came quickly after saying "no! Wait!" I laughed and looked out the door warily and shut the door to the pub having it disappear in the over world. I turned around and told Crypta "we need to discuss something in a quiet place on our own please" she nodded and said "follow me to my office" I let her go ahead of me for about five seconds and then started following her into her office. Glancing out into the pub and spotting Keiran getting a warm traftas (a non- alcoholic beverage that is warm and sweet with a twist of tang as the aftertaste) and Lucky was just getting a drink of water in shot glasses I was guessing it was warm and if not she was just begging for a frozen throat. I entered her office and sat down in the vistor chair as she shut the door and she walked around my chair to her desk and behind sitting in her chair she asked "now what is it?" I looked at her with a semi humored expression and told her "the past few years have treated you good Crypta" I gave off a radiant fake smile and she said "yes, my pub has been running smoothly and I am getting many more customers thanks to you spreading the word" I snickered and told her "I didn't spread the word I told them about the place in more than one word" she gave a sly smile and said "you look good as well Journey" I gave her a smile and her expression changed into a serious one which shows she means business and she asked "obviously, you didn't ask to talk alone just to tell me that, now what is wrong?" I lost my humorous expression and was serious as I told her "she is back and I need to get to hitgurada in the next four days and I have two extra people on this trip" Crypta gave a small but, noticeable grimace at this news and she said "we can only supply you tools and materials that will last two days at most" I nodded and told her "thank you" she bowed and stated "anything for our future hero" I was shaken up by that and I stood up from the visitor chair as she said "the drinks are on the house go take a couple before you go and we will prepare the necessary items for your quest" I told her "thanks old friend" Crypta told me "no problem and hey do me a favor could stop calling me old friend? You're making it sound like i've died already" I chuckled and told Crypta "it's the least I could do" Crypta smiled and I left her office. The first thing I saw was Keiran drinking milk like his mouth was lit on fire and Lucky was yelling "drink it hurry!" I walked over to the two of them and I asked Lucky "what exactly happened while I was gone?" she nervously laughed and said "I kind of dared Keiran to eat a monocious flame heretad and well his mouth now feels like it's literally on fire and at one point I swear I saw a flame so I handed him a jug of milk to wash it down and it hasn't worked so far" I shook my head and snapped my fingers making the milk transform into water and after a couple seconds he put the jug of water onto the table and gasped. I smirked and asked "are you ready to leave?" he nodded and Lucky said "no" I turned towards her while leaning on a chair so I asked "no?" she nodded and said "I am hungry! We have been walking for six hours to get here" I told her a humored smirk dancing on my face "fine, I guess we can stay for a meal before leaving now let's sit at a table and a waiter will come to serve us in a few minutes" they agreed and we found I booth for four and sat there. A waitress came to our table and took our order along with a few flirty glances at Keiran while he didn't really notice she was flirting with him. I smiled when he told her "i'm not on the menu i'm sorry so could you stop staring at me?" she looked really offended and just brought us our food. After I paid for the food and gave a tip or two more like. We walked to the door and out into the overworld I saw the items behind the flower and picked some up having keiran open the bag and Lucky grabbed some items out of my arms and placed them into the bag until it was all gone and out of my arms placed in the backpack. I told them "let's get going now, there are only enough supplies in there to keep us well kept for two days" they nodded in determination and we started walking while they asked me questions about this forest and the village of Hitgurada. Each time they asked why it was so important I told them "no reason" and brought up my pace a little. I didn't bring up my pace just to get away from that question, no, I brought up because, I felt the darkness that was starting to slip in my forest. The forest of. Destiny.

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