Keiran’s P.O.V.

Journey shoved Lucky and I forwards towards a gate to a town called ‘gastronul’. As soon as we saw that we were in front of a secure village we ran up to the gate and as it started opening we turned around to look at Journey but, we saw a shadowy figure looming over her as she stood there in a fighting position. Lucky looked back and forth between Journey and the gate but, I had no hesitation and ran over to help Journey battle this thing. Soon after I ran next to Journey Lucky came running and pulled out her steel green crystal dagger. I pulled out a bow and some arrows from out of the bag and drew them ready to shoot. Journey looked at the both of us before saying “no!” the shadow laughed and a woman’s voice came through as it spoke it said “my, my, it seems you have found some traveling companions now haven't you Journey?” her gaze hardened as she said “don’t say my name!” her fists tightened as she said a quick incantation of which I heard “excelpesi gorin togwa” before she pointed her fist at the shadow and opened it having a red beam shoot out hitting the shadow in the chest giving us a chance to swing and shoot so I shot two arrows one landing in the shadows eye and another in it’s hand and Lucky swung and took a couple gashes at the shadows leg and she jumped hitting the shadow in the neck. The shadow growled and said “Journey I will find you again and make you pay! I am the lord of this forest you will bow down to-” she got cut off as Journey took a shot and sliced the shadows head off. We blinked a lot trying to decipher what had just happened. After seven seconds or so Journey said “I pushed you two to the gate so you wouldn't get hurt” I smirked and said “but, we didn't get hurt in fact we are perfectly fine” her eyes narrowed as she made a fist and looked down as she yelled “but, what if you did! The pain of knowing you got hurt trying to help me would be beside me whenever I am conscious! Do you not realize how serious this threat is?!” we stared at her in shock as Lucky said “no, we do not because you never told us there was a threat”. My eyes narrowed as well at Journey as she looked up at us eyes about to leak of the tears built up and she said “I didn't because, I didn't think she would make an appearance so short into our endeavor”. Lucky’s eyes were welling up with tears just like Journey as she said “do you know how hard it would be for us to lose you as well? We have bonded over the small amount of time we have known each other and well, I would never have had friends as wonderful as you both if I hadn't met you” it was now my turn for tears to start welling up as I said “without you Journey, I would have NEVER known about all of those wonderful creatures you have shown us” she smiled as a tear fell down her cheek and she said “I never had friends before” Lucky and I stared at her in shock as she said “I have always been alone I- I have tried to help people to save them but, they scream and call me a monster and I get chased away back to the tree that I had made my home. The p-people hated me and so when Keiran wasn't chasing me away and or yelling at me I was scared. Then he was so nice and when he joined me on this mission I couldn't have been happier to finally not be alone and then I met you too Lucky and I knew you were just trying to keep alive so I decided to give you a chance and we became friends and I couldn't describe the feeling I had in my stomach that I just wasn't isolated from everyone anymore” I looked at her as she sniffled and Lucky and I went in for a group hug with Journey. Lucky then said “you were never alone” we stayed in that hug for a few more seconds before letting go and wiping our tears as I said “together we are stronger than anything so let’s use that to our advantage” they nodded and finished wiping their tears as we made our way to the gate and it opened allowing us to enter and we made our way through and to the center of the village and looked around astonished by how large the village was. Lucky then said “ooh! I can't wait maybe, there are some cute guys here” she nudged Journey and Journey turned to her with a bit of blush on her cheeks and over her nose it was just lightly dusted not too noticeable as Journey said “no thanks, I need to go find a inn for the night and then pay for a room” Lucky sighed and said “fine! Keiran!” I looked to her as she said “there might be some cute girl’s for you here!” I shook my head as I said “oh no, leave me out of this Lucky” she shrugged and I said “I think i’ll go with Journey we’ll meet up with you later though” she smirked and said “of course you would. Okay, bye guys see you then”. A light dusting of pink spread across my face like Journey’s before and she said “okay, well we need to find the inn so off we go!” she chuckled at her statement and started walking with me following behind her shortly and catching up to her. As we took a right down a path she asked “so, you aren't interested in love right now either huh?” I scratched the back of my neck as I said “not, exactly that but, somewhat yes I suppose” she chuckled and playfully punched my left arm with her right hand as she said “what’s that supposed to mean?” another blush spread across my face as I looked down to my right and stared at the path saying “uh nothing” she smiled and said “okay” I then asked “so, if you could do one thing what would it be A start a bakery or B start a family?” she chuckled as she said “honestly when this threat is gone I would like to find someone I really like and start a family” she then asked “what about you?” I looked at her after making sure my face was back to its pale color and said “same as you”. We continued walking and talking and pretty soon we were so onto a conversation that I ran into a path lamp and fell onto the ground on my butt. Journey covered her mouth and giggled before helping me up and asking me if i’m alright. I told Journey yes and we looked in front of us to see the inn we were looking for. Journey looked at me and said “looks like your face has magical navigation skills” I chuckled and she laughed as we entered the inn. The inn was nice and we went to the front desk to see the man reading. When we were stood in front of him he looked up and smiled after saying “hello, how may I help such a nice couple” Journey instantly dismissed that and said “we aren't dating we are just here to get a room for the night with three beds possibly even two” the man looked down and said “ah just your luck there is a room with three beds second floor room six only twelve kili’s” Journey smiled and handed him the twelve kili’s and he gave us a key to the room. We walked up the two flights of stairs and to the sixth room and unlocked the door to see three beds one red, one green, and one purple. Journey called the red one and I called the green one. Journey placed her stuff down and sat on her bed for a few seconds before getting up and saying “let’s go tell Lucky we got a room” I nodded and we exited locking the door and going back down the stairs and to the front door and out into the pathway to see Lucky walking with a guy in flannel. Journey smiled and hit me lightly on the chest with the back of her knuckles as she asked “think that guy is one of the quote unquote cute guy’s she was talking about?” I looked down at her and said “probably”. I internally thought ‘thankfully Journey didn't go with her’ I was then cut out of my thoughts by Journey walking over to them and talking to Lucky. I ran over to them and stopped beside Journey to hear her say “yeah, we just got our room Luck it’s on the second floor sixth room” she nodded and I said “alright let’s go back Journey so we can work on a plan for that ‘thing’ okay?” she understood perfectly and said “oh right okay bye you two!” she waved as we walked back in and up to our room. We then unlocked the door and entered locking the door again.

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