Lead The Fight On

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[This story sucks.]

I looked around the white room. The lights blinded me. Where was I?

"Pete" I said. Someone grabbed my hand tightly. I looked over at him and smiled. "Pete" I repeated.

"God" he said as I sat up "Thank god" He ran his hand down my cheek and frowned at me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The cops traced the phone call you made to me, thank god you called me Patrick" he sighed "When we got there you were on the ground but, Ethan was gone.  My priority was you.  I got you to the hospital as fast as I could, they said you were injected with enough to tranquilize two men.  But, you'd be okay" he moved my hair back and kissed my forehead "I love you so much, I was so scared" He whispered.

"I love you too" I mumbled.  He sat on my bed with me.  He tipped my head back and kissed me.  His lips were warm against mine.  I felt safe and secure again.  I smiled at him when he pulled away.

"You'll be okay" he said gently.

"I fought so hard" I whispered "I thought he killed you and I just, I went at him"

"You did good. You're so brave Patrick, so very brave" He grabbed both of my hands "We'll catch him okay? And he'll be put away for good"

"You promise?" I whispered. He nodded. I laid my head on his shoulder with a feeling of doubt in my chest.

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