Chapter 1: Mr Gosling

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Ryan's pov:
"So Mr Gosling, you'll just be teaching year 12 English for this year and we will see how you go by the end of the year. If you have any problems with students or just need help getting around, my office is just down the hall" the women gestures down the hall to a door that read 'head mistress'.
"I'm sure I'll have no problems, the students seem very eager to learn here" She smiles and walks back to her office and then I start to walk to the classroom I'm teaching in.

"Ohh I'm so sorry!" A girl says after crashing into me and dropping her books. Her long, slightly waved hair was dark brown and it softly draped over her shoulders. She knelt down to pick up her books and I bent down to help her. "Don't be sorry, I wasn't looking" I let out a short laugh. She looks up at me and my heart starts to race, I shouldn't feel this way about a student but she was so beautiful. She looked at me, we were now both kneeling on the ground picking up her books. Her glassy green eyes shined from the hallway lights hitting it. "You don't need to help you know. We're not in a movie scene" she smiles. "I'm pretty sure a teachers job is to help students" I say as I continue gathering her last few books off of the ground. We both slowly stand up and I pass her her books. "You're a teacher?" She says looking shocked. "Ha yes what did you think?"
"Oh I just haven't seen you before and you look young so I assumed we had a new student"
"Well a+ for you then, I'll take that as a compliment" I smiled and she giggled. She had the cutest laugh. It could brighten anyone's day.
We just look at eachother for a few seconds and then she turns her head to the side, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She broke the silence with a soft cough "So I should get to class" she gestured to the classroom I was teaching in. "Oh this is the class I'm teaching for the year" we both smiled and began to walk to the door. "my names Mr Gosling by the way"
"I'm Sophie" she smiles and we enter the classroom.

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