Chapter 7

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*beep beep beep* agh Monday. I turn my alarm off and lay back in bed, I couldn't help but smile when I thought of seeing Dylan today. We'd been texting all weekend and he makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. I feel like a little primary schooler getting all giggly and nervous with their first crush. It's nice.

"Hey soph" I hear Dylan call out, running to catch up to me in the senior car park. "Oh hey Dyl" I smile and wrap my arm around him while we continue to walk into the school.
I watch Mr Gosling pass, we make eye contact before both focussing our eyes to anything else in the hope to avoid awkwardness. It still hurts when I see him. I'm happy with where I am with Dylan but I just feel like somethings missing. I felt so complete with Ryan but he fricking broke my heart so I need to move on.

"Hey my mums throwing a dinner tonight for neighbours and friends, do you wanna come? You'd be saving me from having to taste test all of Mums weird creations that she finds on sketchy food sites"
Dylan laughs "sounds like a food poising waiting to happen, I'll be there. And tell your mum I'm willing to be the test subject if it means I can take her daughter out more."
"You're cute" I blush. I really want to kiss him. It already feels like we're a couple. I mean we talk like one but it's not official so it'd be weird if I just went in for the kill.
The bell rings and I watch Layla down the hall by her locker, frantically trying to find her timetable.
Dylan and I both laugh. "Well I should probably help her, come over 5?"
"Sounds good, see ya then" he smiles and I speed walk towards Layla.
"Biology with Miss Hall Layla, how do you not know this yet" I sigh
"How'd you even know I was clueless. My predictions from primary school must be coming true, you are psychic." Layla grabs her folder and closes her locker behind her.
"Maybe cause I saw your 'I have no clue where I'm going but am going to pretend everything's fine' face from down the hall. But we can just say I'm psychic, sounds cooler."
"Yep. Psychic" layla says and we both walk to class.
I get home after school and quickly get changed and redo my hair and makeup for Mums dinner party.

"Soph can you get the door, that might be Ryan" Mum calls out from the kitchen, whilst frantically cutting up vegetables

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"Soph can you get the door, that might be Ryan" Mum calls out from the kitchen, whilst frantically cutting up vegetables.
"What?! Ryan's coming?"
"Is that a problem? He's a nice guy soph, I know it's weird to have your teacher over but it might be good to gain a close comfortable relationship with your teachers. It always helps in your senior years"
That's ironic. Doubt Mum would've been happy with how close I really was with Ryan.
I open the door and see Ryan standing there with a bottle of champagne in his hand. We both stop and don't speak for a couple seconds before he breaks the silence. "You look beautiful as always" he smiles but I can tell he's not happy. And for some reason it makes me feel kinda powerful that I have that effect on him. He hurt me so what's the harm in making him a little jealous.
"Aw that's what Dylan tells me" I smile and grab the champagne out of his arms. "This for my Mum?" I ask
"Uh yeah"
"Ryan! Hey I'll be out in a moment" Mum calls from the kitchen.
None of the other guests have arrived yet so Ryan and I are awkwardly standing across the table from each other. "If you wouldn't mind, I'd really like to talk to you later" Ryan says softly so my Mum doesn't here.
"Ryan I just don't think that's a good idea"
"Okay" he simply says.
More people arrive, including Dylan and we all sit down to eat.
"So sophie is this your boyfriend?" My aunt Judy calls out from down the table.
"Oh Jude leave the kids alone" Mum chuckles while taking a swig of champagne. Most of the adults were already quite tipsy.
Dylan looks at me and smirks
"Just friends for now I guess" I laugh uncomfortably and Dylan puts his hand on my leg under the table.
"You have hope Dylan" my mums friend cheers and Dylan laughs.
"So Ryan is soph a good student, she never tells her family how she goes, doesn't like being the centre of attention" my uncle asks.
For someone that doesn't like being centre of attention I'm definitely feeling a lot of it tonight.
"Oh she's great, so so smart, she has a way with words. Very different from other students, she definitely stands out even if she doesn't want to" Ryan smiles and then looks down to the table. I can't help but feel something for him.
After an hour or two people start to leave and were left with only a few seats taken around the table, my mum, auntie, uncle, Mums friend, Ryan, Dylan and I.
I still couldn't stop thinking about Ryan and needed to get my mind off of him.
"Hey Mum can we be excused" I ask, grabbing Dylan's hand and running up stairs.
I can see Ryan's eyes following us up the stairs in the corner of my eye. He was definitely jealous.
We get to my door and start to walk into my room.
"Hey what're you doing" Dylan laughs
"Shh" I close the door behind him and start to kiss his neck. Dylan lifts me up and takes me to my bed, but for some reason all it reminded me of was Ryan and I at his barbecue.
Dylan and I ended up talking for hours and I finally found some connection between us. He's so genuine and he made me forget about how hurt Ryan made me. "It's getting late, I should probably get going" Dylan says and we both get up from my bed and walk downstairs to the front door. Everyone's left now and mums gone to bed. It's 12am after all.
"Hey I had a great time with you tonight" Dylan smirks and tucks a strand of my long brown hair behind my ear. I lean in and kiss him "so did I, especially after we left the table" I smile and he laughs. Ugh he's so cute.
"Soph I have one more thing to ask, it been on my mind all night"
"What's up?" I ask nervously
"Don't feel pressured to say yes, I get it if you'd rather be friends or just keep going on dates for longer I just.."
I giggle, "dyl are you asking me to be your girlfriend"
He goes red "yeah, it's stupid don't worry abou.."
I cut him off by kissing him passionately on the lips.
"You're cute" I blush
"Not the reaction I was expecting"
I laugh "you're sexy. That better for your ego?"
"Much better actually" he laughs and grabs my hand.
"So?" Dylan says, wanting an answer to his question.
"How did you not get the answer out of that, of course I'll be your girlfriend" I laugh and he puts his arm around my lower back, pulling me in towards him so he can kiss me again.
"You're" Dylan says and then stops to kiss me before finishing his sentence. "Amazing"
"So" "Are" "you" I say, kissing him in between each word like he did with me.
"I should really get going now" Dylan frowns.
He starts to walk off, our hands still holding. I pull him back and hold his face while I kiss him once more before letting go.
"Okay I guess you can go now, night dyl"
He smirks and walks off again "Night soph"

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