Chapter Seven

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Three Years Later

        "Celestia, we can't just ignore this! What about those poor ponies who are enslaved by that dictator! Are you just going to let them suffer?" Luna screamed, her anger getting the better of her while arguing with her sister. Luna took a deep breath, desperately trying to calm her mind, to keep herself Luna. "We need to free them, Tia," Luna told her. "It's our duty."

        Celestia sighed. Luna was right, they could not just leave the poor crystal ponies to be enslaved be Sombra. "It will be difficult. The war will take many years. And if we lose, Equestria and its inhabitants will fall to his rule. Are you willing to accept those consequences?" Celestia asked, knowing Luna's response already.

        "Yes, but only over my dead body," Luna said defiantly. "I will fight for the freedom of all ponies until my last breath."

        Celestia nodded her head in defeat. "Very well," she said, "we will wage war against King Sombra."

        The war that followed was cold and hard. It had taken the armies of the two sisters almost a year to push Sombra to his castle, and the ponies were ready for the war to end. However, Sombra's castle defenses made it near impossible for any ground forces to get in, and the troops of pegasi could not get close, or their minds would fall to Sombra's spells without magic to defend themselves. That left the only option to be the sisters themselves.

          So, the sisters prepared the elements of harmony for battle once again, along with some weapons and armor of their own creation, and left for the Crystal Empire.

[The following video is what happens next.]

{The following video is not of my own creation, nor do I own any rights to it. However, as it was one of my inspirations for this story, I felt it would be good to include it.}

        When she returned to her Castle that night, Luna felt a sadness in her she could not explain. She considered telling Celestia the truth, but decided that she couldn't. Celestia might not be able to love her f she knew the truth. Luna began to cry in secret. She had viewed herself a savior, a hero when she had saved the village. Now, she viewed herself a monster. She had caused the end of existence of so many innocent crystal ponies, just because she had failed to keep her temper. Luna stared up at the moon she had raised, and made sure to bring the stars up brighter than ever in remembrance of the ponies she had hurt.

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