Chapter Fourteen

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Twenty Minutes Later

        Luna waited patiently in her hiding spot for the ceremony to commence. She knew that her sister had a celebration every year to celebrate her victory over her sister. Luna simply planned to take her sister's place in the ceremony, and refuse to raise the sun. How better not to seem hostile than by mimicking the most beloved figure in Equestria?

          A noise peaked Luna's interest. She could see the curtain draw back, to reveal nothing. The little ponies all gasped in horror. Quietly and gracefully, Luna stepped onto the small balcony, only to see the ponies whispering.

          A little pink pony was the first to notice Luna. To Luna's surprise, she yelped in fear. All of the ponies followed the pink one's gaze and gasped. Luna saw a little purple unicorn whisper to a tiny dragon, but she paid her no attention. She would address the masses first, then the individuals. Luna smiled, trying to be as gracious and loving as possible.

           "Oh, my beloved subjects," Luna began, smiling dearly at them. They just continued to quiver in shocked silence. "It's been so long since I've seen your precious, little sun-loving faces." Luna had to restrain herself from spitting at the word sun

          One of the brave ponies spoke up. "What'd you do with our princess?" she demanded. An orange earth pony held the rambunctious pegasus back by her tail, cautioning her. Luna laughed at the sight.

            "Why? Am I not royal enough for you?" she teased. Then, she became serious. "Don't you know who I am?"

          The pink one interpreted this as an opportunity to guess. She began rambling off stupid, made-up names, which just angered Luna more. The sensible orange one stuffed a cupcake in her mouth to stop her from talking as she continued to hold back the rambunctious rainbow-maned pegasus. 

              Leaning in to the ponies, Luna grew angry. She had expected her sister to curse her name, but hide her from history completely? That was low, even for Celestia. "Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?" Luna grew angrier with each question.

              Stepping forward, the purple unicorn confronted her. "I did." she told everyone. Luna was quick to notice that her cutie mark matched the symbol on the tree of harmony, the element of magic. She knew this pony would be one to be wary of. The pony continued. "And I know who you are. You're the Mare in the Moon – Nightmare Moon!"

             The ponies all gasped, and Luna realized she had been wrong. Her sister had informed the ponies of her, but as a filly's tale. Luna's anger grew. She at least deserved to be classified as real. However, Luna quickly soothed her anger. She mustn't give them a reason to fight her.

            "Well, well, well, somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here."

            " You're here to... to..." The purple pony gulped, now afraid.

             "Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!" Luna declared. Her laughter and joy filled the room for a moment. Then, the guards came at her, and she knocked them down. Fleeing, Luna turned into smoke and flew out the front door. SHe was chased by the rainbow-maned pegasus, but to no avail, as Luna was much faster. Luna fled into the forest, because she knew the purple unicorn would come after her, and she wanted time to prepare her defenses. Luna smiled. What match was a little unicorn for a Nightmare?

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