Chapter Thirteen

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One Thousand Years Later

        Luna felt it as the stars aligned: she felt it as she was set free. Her wings rose for the first time in a thousand years. She stretched her wings, Nightmare's wings, and triumphantly sent a beam of her strongest alicorn magic into the sky, for no reason other than to celebrate her recovery of her flight, strength, and magic. It felt good to be able to use her abilities again, without the power of the elements hindering her. She dipped her head, allowing the sensation of magic to take hold of her, in the strongest and most powerful way possible. It was time to return to Equestria and take her place as its rightful ruler.

        Luna felt a smile touch her lips. She would get a chance to see what had truly become of her kingdom, see the smiles of her ponies as she returned to save them from her sister. Although it pained Luna deeply, Luna knew she could not hesitate again as she had while fighting her sister the last time, lest she be cast to the moon again. Luna tried to swallow her compassion, and instead let her pride rule. She would not let this injustice stand. She had suffered too long, and she had no more tolerance for being hated and unloved by all. She would be loved, no matter what the cost.

        Luna took off, soaring towards Equestria. As she neared, the details became more visible, like putting on your glasses. She could see the individual ponies, the villages, the lakes and rivers, the buildings, and so much more. Happy as she was to return home, Luna knew she had to focus. Her eyes narrowed on a building with a small dome roof. She didn't know how, but somehow, Luna just knew her sister was there. Stealthily as possible, Luna teleported into the second floor of the building and hid. As the door creaked, Luna took a deep breath and held it. It was now or never, right?

        Two ponies entered. One was a mare with a white coat and purple mane and tail, one Luna found rather pretty. The other was Celestia, but different looking. Something in her sister had changed. Luna couldn't tell what, but Celestia looked pained, sorrowful, even afraid. Of me, Luna realized. Celestia is afraid of me.

        Luna waited patiently for the white mare to leave. From her hiding place, Luna couldn't hear much of the conversation she did hear the word festival, which only made Celestia's eyes look darker and sadder. When the white mare finally left, Celestia broke down into tears.

        Although, deep down, she knew it was wrong, Luna couldn't help but smile in her twisted, hateful way. Her sister wouldn't fight her. She might even support her, allow her to return. With this hope in mind, Luna flew out of hiding and revealed herself to her sister.

          Celestia didn't gasp or ready herself to battle as Luna had expected, which only made the moment worse. Luna stared at her sister in a mixture of hatred and love. Celestia only looked at Luna, an expression of pure pain and sorrow in her graying rose eyes.

          Celestia spoke, her voice grim and hoarse. "I know you hate me, Luna."

          Luna only stared, her slitted eyes narrowing. Celestia didn't seem to react at all.

          "Please," Celestia begged, "Do not make me do this again, Luna." The beg in her voice was evident, the tears beginning to stream through her eyes. "We can rule together, like we used to," she begged Luna. Then, something in Luna snapped again, as it had many times before.

            "Just like it used to be, huh?" Luna sneered, flexing her wings angrily. Luna could see Celestia visibly shrink back in fear, eyes quivering at what had become of her sister. "Just like it used to be.... why is it that whenever I remember the past, all I find is pain?" Luna narrowed her eyes in disgust at her sister. "It used to be that you ignored me," Luna declared, faking calm. Celestia's eyes widened in shock. "It used to be that our subjects only ever paid attention to you. It used to be that everyone slept through the night, my night! It used to be that no one cared about me! IT USED TO BE THAT NOT EVEN MY OWN SISTER LOVED ME!" Luna screamed, breaking her calm facade. Celestia began to sob.

            "Luna, no!" she shouted in protest. "I have always loved you! And I always shall!" As she screamed, her age began to show. "Luna, I-"

             "SILENCE!" Luna commanded. Taking a deep breath, she reminded herself to be quiet. She didn't want her subjects to see her like this. "You sent me to the moon for a thousand years," she whispered venomously. "But, you see, my moon is kind to me. It took care of me for those many years." She paused, relishing the moment. "The burning surface of the sun will do no such thing."

            Luna watched Celestia's fear grow as she realized what Luna planned to do to her. But unlike the brave mare she had known Celestia to be, Celestia did something unexpected.

             "Luna, please," Celestia begged. "It doesn't have to be this way. We could be together again, but I need you to trust me. Can you do that?" Celestia whispered, her voice hoarser than before and scratchy. Luna closed her eyes, and she felt her sanity shatter into a million pieces.


               Then Luna banished her sister to the sun.

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