Chapter 12

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Chapter 12-

Alexei's POV:

"Alexei." My father called. His calm voice sounded threatening from the kitchen. I sighed getting up and rubbing my temples. I had too much assignments and University applications to go through plus finding Avril.

"Yes, father?" I asked. He sat in the living room standing by the fire looking at pictures that rested on the mantle.

"Do you know the girl Avril Danvers?" He asked lifting a picture of me when I was much younger.

"Yes. She attends my school. Why?"

"She must be more then that for her...parents to call me asking for our coven's help. How well do you know this girl?" He asked again.

"She's...a friend."

"Alexei you are lying to me. I raised you to never lie to your family....rather never lie to anyone."

"You're not the type of person to handle big news, father."

"Alexei. How much I went through to save you and your mother when you were just in her stomach. I defended you. Moved around the world to make sure you were born healthy and safe and this is what I get?" He asked. Guilt trip...cheeky bastard.

"Fine, she is a very close friend. Very close." I said not meeting his eyes. I knew he would have a large fit about werewolves. But....I just don't know.

"You know what she is Alexei." My father snarled.

"Yes, I do"

"Then why would you disobey the rules? It's not just because she is a werewolf she is part vampire and she is special. Someone so special they would lead to trouble and possibly your death."

"Well she is part vampire so there is nothing wrong with it. It is my choice father."

"Alexei you are next in line for the throne. You are lucky enough to receive such a gift and you will blow it all away with this...girl!"

"Father as long as I am happy. If you do not want to help the Danvers then I will and I am sure mother will help too." He looked away knowing I was right.

"I know you would prefer someone like Katerina or Alexandra but I am not happy with them father. They are not the long lasting relationship types. And I am sure that is how you picked out mother." He stood staring at the fire his hands behind his back.

"We leave at ten sharp to go meet the Danvers ready in half an hour." He said quietly not facing me.

"Thank you father." I murmured. He nodded and I left the room.


About half an hour later we stood in front of the Danvers pack. I never seen Avril's parents before. She had her mothers height but she was a girl form of her father. They had about twelve pack members.

"We are missing two of our three of our pack members. Vampires almost killed two of our members' son. They stayed behind to help him." Her father said. Now I understood what Avril meant. Her dad was huge. Bigger than any of our members. He was tall and just...had a lot of muscle mass. He crossed his arms over his chest, and Avril's mom...Aubbrie I believed her name was had a look of concern flash her face as she stared up at him. She lightly touched his arm and he flinched the slightest and she smiled to herself turning back.

"Yes well. I assure you that was not our coven who sent them. We don't believe in Thanatos'...we believe in strictly pure bloods."

"Well we called you here in seek of your help." Kaleb said.

"Yes...we have heard of your complication...with the girl. We have agreed to help as long as it puts a stop to demons coming into our world and in return...we will stop attacking each other."

"Do you know how to stop demons?"

"They are a tricky race but easily defeatable. The easiest way to attack them is to plan an attack on the inside and a stronger defence to attack on the outside. The difficult part is to just figure out what family has this put together." My father explained.

"I think I know who it is!" A girl yelled from the Danvers pack. All eyes turned to her, I recognized her, she went to our school. She was a senior like us.

"Sorry?" My father asked.

"I have good proof on who it might be. That Max kid from school. You guys know him right? The new kid?" She asked directing it towards me, Alexander, Damen, Tyler and a couple of other high school kids. We all nodded.

"Well, Avril has him, I guess and I am in Avril's first period class with Max and both of them were not there...and it is kind of mysterious that he left the day she left and hasn't been back since."

"That is not exactly hard proof, Amelia." Kaleb said.

"That's not all. I'm crazy at science.I managed to get a hair sample and his scent. Now his hair sample has all DNA of a male Demon and...his scent is caked with demon." She said passing a vile to Kaleb. He took a small whiff and growled backing away from the scent. He tossed it to my father and my father took a small sniff as well.

"This is definitley a Demon. Well we have a lead. Since we know his scent we may be able to trace it to Avril."

"Tonight?" Alexander asked.

"Not tonight. Tomorrow. It is too early to go. We should make small groups and spread around the school and start there. It has only been about what? Almost a week. His scent should still be drifting around. We need strong noses. Then we will have to advance a attack on the inside with people attacking on the outside. I suggest a mix of both going in. They won't expect it."

"Well we better hurry. Male demons are impatient so he may have fed off of her a lot already." Someone added.

"We shall meet tomorrow a little earlier to prepare." My father said,

"Same location tomorrow. See you then." Kaleb nodded. We turned and took our leave as did the werewolves.

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