The Winchester's Lament

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We walk through the halls of the hospital. "So what's the plan?" I ask, slipping my hands into my jacket pockets. "Scott's gonna sniff the body and see if it's the same scent, I'm gonna stand gaurd." Stiles answers. "What am I gonna do?" I ask, biting into my bottom lip annoyedly. "You... uh... You can go get snacks from the vending machine." Stiles replies and I scoff. "Nice try Stilinsky. I'm going with Scott and help translate any of the medical jargon. I went to med school once." I shrug and Stiles's eyes widen. "We'll talk about this later. There's the lab." Stiles points to the sign. "Okay." Scott nods, grabbing my arm and leading me in the direction of the lab. "Good luck, I guess." Stiles says, watching us disappear through the doorway. Scott and I sneak past a male nurse and a doctor dressed fully in scrubs and a mask before entering the morgue. I look around momentarily before locking my gaze on the storage containers.  "Scott." I whisper, pointing at them "which one is the body in?" He asks and I roll my eyes, looking at the tags. One reads "Jane doe- Partial." Well, Stiles did say they only found HALF of the body.  "Best guess... this one" I say, pulling out the drawer. Scott takes a moment before lifting the sheet covering the body, revealing a foot with red polished toes. He looks like he's about to puke as he reads the tag attached to the big toe. He abruptly shuts the drawer, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room, down the hallway and into the waitingroom. We spot Stiles and Scott rips away the menstrual pamphlet in his hands, startling him. "Holy- god!" He whisper-shouts. "The scent was the same." Scott says and I cross my arms. "You sure?" Stiles asks, standing. "Yes." Scott whispers, and we begin walking down the hall, heading towards the exits of the hospital. "So he did bury the other half of the body on his property?" Stiles states, but it come out in the tone of a question. "Which means we have proof he killed the girl." Scott nods and Stiles scratches his neck and responds "I say we use it." "How?" Scott questions, his eyes drifting to me for a moment. "Tell me something first. Are you doing this because you want to stop Derek, or because you want to play in the game, and he said you couldn't?" Stiles asks as I bite my lip, looking into Scott's puppy brown eyes. and  "There are bite marks on the legs, Stiles - bite marks." I interupt, and Stiles sighs. "Okay. Then we're gonna need a shovel." Stiles nods.

We approach the burned house, Scott's brow is furrowed deeply. "Wait, something's different." He says, pausing a moment. Stiles doesn't even look up at him, focussing instead on the grave. He does however, respond appropriately. "Different how?" "I don't know. Let's just get this over with." Scott says, handing me a shovel. "So Demi... now is a great time for you to explain what the hell is going on with you. Do I have to start wearing garlic perfume or what?" Stiles asks, cutting into the ground with the tip of his shovel. "I already told you. I'm not a vampire. I don't feed on anything because I don't have to. I hate wasting things. I don't sleep because it wastes time I could be using to find answers." I shrug, throwing a heap of dirt over my shoulder. "Then what are you? Another werewolf? The full moon hasn't so much as given you a migraine." Scott asks, continuing to dig. "You heard Derek. There isn't even a word for what I am... well there is... I'm just hoping it's not true." "And that is?" Stiles asks, swiping sweat from his brow. "Immortal." I sigh, biting my lip. "Wait... stop." Scott says, taking my shovel from me. "You keep saying stuff like that and it's freaking me out okay? You don't really wanna die do you?" Scott asks, and I roll my eyes. "Can we not talk about this right now? We need to keep digging." I reach for my shovel, but he yanks it away. I scoff. "C'mon man, don't you think if I could do myself in with a rusty shovel I'd be burried six-feet under by now?" I ask, reaching for it again, he pulls it away from my grasp. "Are you kidding me?" I growl, clenching my fists. "I've been real tolerant of your shit fido, but this protective crap is really pissing me off. I'm old enough to be your great grandmother twenty times over. Give me the goddamn shovel before I rip your arm off and dig with your claws." I sneer, a pair of warm arms wrap around my waist. "Nope. Okay, you need a time out." Stiles says in my ear, and I immediately break free,  gripping onto Stiles's shoulders and flipping over him, holding him in a choke-hold. "I am almost five hundred years old. I don't need a time out." I sneer, Scott's eyes flash yellow. "Let go of him or I'll make it my life's work to make sure you will NEVER die." Scott growls, and I sigh. "Fine." I say the word as if it's a curse, releasing Stiles and climbing out of the pit, walking off into the forest. My phone rings ten minutes in, and I reluctantly answer. "Madeleine? It's Sam." The deep voice calls over the other end. "What now?" I ask, rubbing my temples. "Before... you said something about a demon. Maddie I need to know what you meant." "It's you Sam. You've got Demon blood in your veins." I say, and to be honest I kinda feel bad. I know it's not really his fault that Azazel came after him. His brother on the other hand- is a total dick. Not as much as their father, but still. "Look. Just stay away from me okay. For your own good. And please, keep your dad off my back. He's the biggest asshole I've ever met, and I dated Hitler." I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "How do you know about all this?" Sam asks quietly. "Because we're alot more alike then I'd care to admit Samuel. Word to the wise, Lucy... He's a softie for kids." "Luc- You mean LUCIFER?" "C'mon kid, you didn't really think all these demons came outta no where did ya?" I ask, and Sam sighs. "Well, while I've got you talking... What else do you know?" "Your buddy Chris is hitting a little too close to home right now. And one of my buddies is trying to get in with his little girl. You remember Allison right?" I ask, and Sam pauses a second. "So?" He asks finally, and I sigh. "He's a werewolf. Spanish variety. He doesn't need to hunt to survive, so don't come after him. I've grown attached surprisingly." I admit, sitting on a stump. "Ah. That's  a first." He laughs, and I smirk. "It's just really nice to meet people like me." I sigh, he pauses. "Well... you said it yourself. We're alike. Madeleine we could help you. And to be honest, we could use your help. Our dad is dead. I know you can bring him back." Sam begs, I shake my head, forgetting he can't see me. "Your dad and I, we don't mix. Same deal with your brother." I try, and he sighs. "What happened between you two? Dean said you guys were partners for a while." He asks, and I bite my lip. "Ask Dean about that one... it's not really my place kiddo." I say, and Sam sighs. "I don't think Dean recognises you. If I ask now, he might start asking questions." Sam says, and I don't respond. "You were the closest thing I ever had to a mom growing up. The only other Hunter my dad brought around besides Bobby." "How is the old fart?" I laugh, trying to change the subject. "Madeleine please... If not for John. For little Bean and Sammie." Sam pleads, I can hear the desperation in his voice. "Sam. He has to stay dead. For you boys. You won't remember this... but the reason I left... I killed him once already Sam. Ask Dean about the Shtigra case." I hang up, turning off my phone. I take a deep breath before walking back out to Scott and Stiles.  "This is taking way too long." Scott says, and I roll my eyes. "Then get down on your knees and dig with your claws wolfboy. Or you could give me back my damn shovel." I smirk, Scott growls angrily. "OH hush it Scotty. What are you gonna do? Kill me? I got news for you buddy, not only are you barking up the wrong tree, you're in the wrong goddamn forest. So shut up and keep digging." I roll my eyes. "Just keep going." Stiles sighs and Scott grits his teeth. "What if he comes back?" Scott asks, a hint of fear in his voice. "Then we get the hell out of here." Stiles says, still digging. "What if he catches us?" Scott asks and I roll my eyes even harder. "He won't get you guys. I can hold him back, who knows, I may even get lucky." I shrug. "I have a plan for that. And sorry to break it to you Demi but it does not include your death." Stiles scoffs, still digging. "Which is?" Scott asks, shoving his shovel deep into the soft earth. "Scott runs one way. I run the other, Demi hides in a tree and waits for the proper authorities. Whoever Derek catches first, too bad." Stiles pauses to say this, and waits only for a reaction  "I hate that plan." Scott whimpers. "I second that notion that plan is ridiculous. What part of 'I can't get hurt' don't you understand." Stiles waves me off, dropping his shovel "Oh, stop, stop, stop." He drops to his knees and starts digging with his hands."Hurry." Scott says, I bite my tongue to keep away the snide comments. "I'm trying. Did he have to tie the thing in, like, 900 knots?" Stiles asks, frantically trying to untie the strange string that is lined with tiny purple flowers. "I'll do it." Scott says, ripping the vines up with his bare hands. Stiles thrusts open the casket. "What the hell is that?" Stiles asks, leaning back against the Earth wall. "It's a wolf." Scott says, his brows furrowed. "Yeah, I can see that. I thought you said you smelled blood, as in human blood." Stiles says, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. "I told you something was different." Scott says, huffing out a breath. "This doesn't make sense." Stiles bites his nails, looking over at me. "Hey, I'm just as clueless as you are. Maybe if we figure out how she died, I can figure out how to kill myself. Stiles, you're the smart one. Figure this shit  out and I'll get you a date with that red headed chick." I perch myself on my toes, with my hands on my hips. "We gotta get out of here." Scott says, and Stiles's wide eyes leave me momentarily. "Yeah. Okay, help me cover this up." Stiles says, but pauses. "What's wrong?" Scott asks, Stiles squints his eyes, pointing at a tiny purple flower. "You see that flower?" He asks, his brow furrowing. "What about it?" Scott asks, continuing to cover up the casket. "I think it's wolfsbane." Stiles says, a fearful look on his face. "What's that?" Scott asks, and I roll my eyes. How dense can this boy  be? "Uh - Haven't you ever seen the Wolf Man?" Stiles ask and I sigh, can't this boy ever get to his damn point? "No." Scott responds, this is definitely going to take a while. "Lon Chaney Jr.? Claude Rains? The original, classic werewolf movie?" Stiles continues to question. "No! What?" Scott is just as exasperated as I am. "You are so unprepared for this." Stiles squints his eyes again. What is his problem? Does he need glasses or something? "Stiles." Scott nearly shouts, my eyes land on Derek, standing sullenly behind him. Stiles turns, and nearly screams. "Holy -" Stiles falls onto his bottom in the pit. "No. Oh, God." Scott whimpers. Fear is virtually pouring out of his pores. "Okay, just so you know, I'm not afraid of you. Okay, maybe I am. Doesn't matter. I just wanna know something. The girl you killed - she was a werewolf. She was a different kind, wasn't she? I mean, she could turn herself into an actual wolf, and I know Scott can't do that. Is that why you killed her?" Stiles rambles. "Why are you so worried about me when it's your friend who's the problem? When he shifts on the field, what do you think they're gonna do. Just keep cheering him on? I can't stop him from playing, but you can, she can. And, trust me - you both want to." Derek says and I roll my eyes. "If he shifts on the feild, I'll be there to get mauled. From where I'm sitting, him playing is good whether he shifts or not." I state, laughing. Derek's eyes darken, "You want to die, that's fine. I'll kill you if you want. But don't put me- my family in danger." He growls. What an animal. "What family? I thought they all burned up?" Stiles asks, and I groan internally. "Stay out of my property. And you-" Derek points to Scott. "Stay off the field."

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