A History, Part Two.

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"I was dancing across the ornate marble floors in the mayor's ballroom with Damon. It was in our own little world we swirled and moved so gracefully around eachother I nearly forgot about all the pain and suffering I had been through. I layed my head upon his broad chest and felt against my cheek a heartbeat i could sync my own to. Damon's voice resonated against my chest as he spoke lowly. 'Come out on the pavilion, I have a question to ask you.' He said, grabbing me by the chin and looking into my eyes. An unreadable expression lied on his face as he backed away, turning on his heel and leaving the decently crowded ballroom. I followed him, only to be stopped by Stephan. 'Addie? Where are you going? The party's inside! Are you unwell?' He asked, a genuine look of concern filled his soft features. 'Damon asked me to meet him at the pavilion.' I responded, looking into his hazel eyes. His eyebrows knitted together, anger overtaking his entire demeanor. His lip twitched downward, a facial tick that only happened when he was angry at his brother. 'He did?' He asked, his eyes narrowing. Katherine came out of no where. 'He did!' She laughs, grabbing Stephan's hand and grinning, the smile did not reach her eyes. 'Come Stephan, it's a ball! We're meant to dance.' She laughed, pulling him away. His head turned looking back at me, his forehead etched with fury. I shook the display off, instead exiting the ballroom, sliding past women who could barely move because of how tight their corsets were and men whi couldn't stop moving with wine in their bellies. I met Damon just under the pavilion, candle light sculpted his already angelic face to perfection, his eyes burned brighter then all the flames combined. Damon smiled, and did something I never expected of him. He got down on one knee, holding infront of him his mother's wedding ring. I cried. 'I want to spend eternity with you Addie. You and your sister and my brother. Forever.' Tears lined his icy eyes and I nodded violently, chanting the word 'yes'. Damon stood and kissed me so deeply my heart felt whole again. 'Well. Well. Well. Katerina. I thought you had better taste in men.' Klaus sauntered in, a smirk worn proudly on his stubbled face behind us. Damon and I separated, and I laid my eyes upon Niklaus. Katherine's biggest fear. 'Damon, go inside.' My breath hitched. I had to protect Damon at all costs. 'Oh no Damon. Stay. A starter snack is always fun.' Klaus laughs. Damon stepped infront of me protectively, Klaus gripped him by his shirt and tossed him aside. I cringed as his body crashed into the grass. 'Please don't hurt him!' I cried, rushing to Damon's side. 'Please? That's new.' Klaus replied, stepping towards us, I stood quickly. 'Leave him alone Klaus. I will come willingly.' I begged, and he smirked. 'Have you forgotten what I did to your family little girl?' He asked and I shook my head in response. 'That is because I ran Nik. Please. I give you my word.' I begged, running towards Klaus and kneeling before him. 'Your word means nothing. You are a known liar.' Klaus sneered and I jumped up. 'Leave him be and I will not run. I will come willingly. You can stake me in this very spot. Please!' I reached behind me and grabbed a decorative dowel from the pavilion, splitting it, I left a sharp end. I pointed it at my own heart, walking forward, I placed the makeshift stake in Klaus's palm. He looked down at the weapon for a few moments before gazing back up at me, responding. 'You must truly love him then.' Klaus raised an eyebrow, I nodded, turning towards Damon. 'Tell Adelaide to watch over Caleb. Tell her to be good to her word. And tell Caleb I love him.' Damon nodded, tears in his eyes. 'And Damon?' I looked up at him. 'Goodbye. I love you.' I turned back to Klaus, who was smirking. 'Go away now.' Klaus demanded, his pupils contracted and I knew he had compelled my poor Damon. 'Now, Katerina. I am pleased that you so willingly offered yourself up on a silver platter, but I did not plan to dine tonight. Your death will not be quick. Despite your greatest wishes. Tighten your corset strings love, you're in for quite the ordeal.' He grinned. And that's when I realised that real evil is born on earth. I spent the better of one hundred twenty years as Klaus's slave. I did everything he told me, even when it meant I had to kill others. What he didn't know, is that if I wished, I could bring them back. I drank the blood of a million men and women, even though it was not necessary and I hated the taste, to keep Klaus believing I was Katherine. For the first decade, he reveled in my screams. He enjoyed torturing me, making me bleed. He enjoyed my pain The sadist, slowly however, he began to simply enjoy my company. He slept like a normal man, an enjoyed having me sleep in his bed. His body curled around mine, I felt strangely protected. I knew that no other being could harm me while I was his plaything. It so happened he was on the run from someone as well. His father. In 1912, we found ourselves on a rather famous ship." "The titanic?!" Stiles all but shouts, I nod. "His brother Elijah, sister Rebekah and I were of the few survivors. And if I may confide, I have a small secret. No children died in those fateful two days. I begged Klaus to allow me to save them, and he agreed. Rebekah and Elijah were happy to help. No one enjoys the death of children. Klaus gained an army that day. An army I was forced to raise. Fifty-six children became mine to care for. When we got to the shores of America on a raft I had constructed out of thin air with magic, Klaus had a world of questions. I lied and said a witch on the boat gave her life to save the children. He joked, but questioned no farther. He moved us to Chicago, where he purchased a mansion to house all of our children.  I became great friends with his little sister, Rebekah. Tricky thing about his sister, was she was unusually perceptive of liars. She had amazing instincts, absolutely unparalleled, lethal. She had grown suspicious of me after sixty-some odd years. It was the nineteen twenties by then. 'You're not her... Are you?' She asked one night, as we were sipping martinis at a table in a bar that I have long since forgotten the name of. 'I can't lie to you, Beka. I am not Katerina Petrova. I am a cousin. My name is Virginia Dare. I am another doppelganger. I am also an immortal.' I told her my story, just as I have told you. And she cried. 'Your son? Have you any idea where he is?' She asked, and I shook my head. 'I left him in the care of Katherine. That was our deal. She lives, and protects my son from the Angels. I protect her from Nik. I had hoped he would stake me. He would believe she was dead, and leave her be. Instead, he kept me.' I revealed, and she gasped. 'Klaus will kill you when he finds out! And he will search for Katerina and Leor to the ends of the earth and kill them both.' She said and I shook my head. 'He couldn't kill me even if he tried, same for my son. My husband gave me half his grace and my son was born with his own. Nothing of this world can harm us.' I clarified and she grinned. 'Does this mean I can officially call you my angel?' She joked, and I nodded. She laughed, grabbing my martini glass and going to the bar to get refills. To my surprise, Katherine slid into her seat a few moments afterwards. 'I don't have much time, I compelled the bartender to flirt with her. Leor is fine, last I heard he is in Italy. Lucifer is not dead Virginia. He is in a cage of some sort in hell. Damon was never the same after you left. He thinks you're dead, he also thinks he's in love with me.' Katherine spoke quickly, and my eyes searched her identical face. 'Thinks? He's still alive?' I asked and she nodded. 'I turned him, him and Stephan. He also thinks that I am locked in a tomb under the old church. The town turned on us. Every vampire that was in that town is down there now.' She spoke quickly, with apathy. 'It was good to see you Virginia.' She smiled before she left, vampire speeding out of the Saloon. It was then that I saw him. Stephan. I approached him from behind, and wrapped my arms around his waist. 'Stephan!' I squealed, and he jumped a bit, turning, his hand around my throat, he squeezed. His eyes landed on my face and he immediately released. 'Katherine?' He asked, grabbing onto my shoulders. I shook my head. 'Adelaide?!' He asked, louder this time. I nodded, tears in my eyes. 'I've missed you.' I laughed, he hugged me tightly. 'I missed you too.' He admitted, his words muffled by my hair. 'Damon will be so happy to see you!' he said suddenly, and I grinned. 'And I, him.' 'Reunions are always fun, don't you think so Virginia?' Klaus's voice came from behind me, and my heart dropped to my feet. 'Nik! Brother!' Stephan grinned, patting Niklaus on the back. 'I can explain I-' I started to explain myself, but Klaus interrupted me. 'Stephan, go dance with my sister.' Klaus somehow compelled Stephan. Klaus then gripped my arm and pulled me out of the bar. He slammed me up against a wall in the alleyway and gripped my chin. 'You little shrew. How in the hell did you keep this up for so long?' He asked, his eyes squinted. 'You can do the impossible for the ones you love. A mother's love is the strongest love to exist.' I responded honestly. 'I see that. Take off your bracelet.' He demanded, and I sighed but did as told. I dropped it on the ground, and he gasped. 'You cannot die correct?' I nodded. 'Then you are almost useless to me.' His face contorted into a grotesque smirk so full of malice it struck fear into my very soul. 'Almost?' I asked, eyes wide. 'You can reproduce, correct?' He asked, and I nodded. 'Good.' He grinned, grabbing my arm and shoving me back into the bar. 'You do this for me and I give you my word I will not kill Katerina, and if I come across your son, I will regard him as a comerad.' He swore to it and I agreed, not knowing what exactly he had in store for me. Klaus was a hybrid, half vampire, half werewolf. His werewolf side allowed him to reproduce normally, strangely enough." "You mean he forced you to-" Stiles cuts himself off. I nod, delving back into the story. "The very next night we went back to the bar. I had begged Klaus to let me see Stephan again, I wanted to see Damon. Alas, best laid plans. Mikael, the man they were on the run from, found us. He tried to kill the original siblings. He succeeded in murdering each and every one of the children we had saved, most of them were in their early teens by then. Klaus moved us to California. It took a few years, but eventually we had twins. We were in a hotel in L.A., and Klaus was like a boy on Christmas morning. He had tried reproducing before, both normally and the way vampires do, but it always ended badly. The fetuses never made it to second trimester, the werewolves he fed blood bled out. It was his belief that my angelic blood is what kept the babies alive. The second time giving birth was not nearly as painful as the first. Klaus enlisted in the help of the founder of the hotel, one James Patrick March. He didn't even have to compulse the man, he willingly did anything necessary to help. He was some kind of murder fanatic. He wanted Klaus to turn him, and Klaus agreed that after I gave birth, he would. There are different breeds of vampires you see, and as it so happened, James's wife was one of them. She was of a lesser, weaker variety then of the originals. But that's unrelated. In 1934, I gave birth in a hotel room just as James slit his own throat below. Klaus didn't take the news well, he rather liked the guy. We had a little girl and a little boy. I named the girl Elizabeth, after my sister, and the boy Jonas, after my father. We moved out to Missouri, and tried to lead a semi-normal life for the children. The girl, as it seemed, was not a doppelganger, she died In 1936, of tuberculosis. She was only two years old. While she was sick, I begged Klaus to heal her or even to let me heal her. He refused. I had never hated anyone the way I did him then. He said that she needed to fight the illness on her own. Her genes should have prevented it in the first place. Unexpectedly, Klaus mourned her loss greatly. He cried, holding onto me as he sobbed. He was an evil man, but he did love his family greatly. I don't think he would have been able to kill the child even if she was a doppelganger anyway. He loved his daughter, and wanted nothing but the best for her. Klaus had us moved away, out west where there hadn't yet been any cases of teburculosis. Back to California. A few miles away from the place of the birth. Klaus has alterior motives for moving us into that house. I know that now. The house was a hub for the supernatural. He had marinated in the death of our daughter for a few years, speaking to the spirits in our new home. He decided he wanted her back, and I disagreed. I didn't know how she would react, coming back from the dead like that. After six years. I didn't think I even had the power on my own. But what Klaus wants, Klaus gets. He enlisted in the help of some witch convent down in Louisiana, and a woman they called the Supreme came up. She was weak, at the end of her rule. We brought our little girl back to us. But it came at a cost. Our son. Their souls linked together. They would never age. They could never leave that house. I enchanted the house so their souls could leave, and go anywhere they wanted to. Klaus suggested once the children were dead that we tried for another. I declined. He was outraged. I ran, knowing his anger knew no bounds. I ended up in florida. It was 1952. I kept my hat tilted down as I entered the demons's mouth. My eyes immediately adjusted to the lights of the stage. 'Hello darling, how may i help you?' Elsa asked, her warm brown eyes looked deep into my sunglass covered eyes. I removed them, and she gasped. I had used a spell to change my left eye to a chocolate brown. 'My name is Amethyst, I need a place to stay' I mumbled and she nodded. 'I see, but your deformity is a beautiful one, exotic. You have no reason to flee whatever you are fleeing.' she shook her head. 'It is not just my eyes. Ma'am.' I whispered, pulling out a knife. She backed away in fright, but I shook my head, slicing my own wrist. Of course, it immediately healed and left no scar. 'I'll find you a place.' she nodded and called for Jimmy, the lobster boy. Jimmy was a kindred spirit. A wholesome man indeed. The freakshow was repeatedly doused in tragety, with deaths of beloved acts that in all honesty, were more like family. So it surprised me when Elsa placed me in the home of a very rich man in his early twenties. A word to the wise, no tragedy that ever was could compare to the evils perpetrated by man. And that man's name was Dandy Mott. Never did I think I would know a being more diabolical then the angels. I was wrong. Dandy had a particular interest in peculiarities. The second that man laid his eyes on me, I knew I had to leave. This look in his eye was savage, it was as if he was less than human. But he carried himself so well. He was exquisite. And somehow, I just couldn't turn away, I just couldn't leave. Those icy eyes and that raven hair, that destructive refusal to bow to authority, that godlike demeanor was all too familiar.  And though I grew to hate him for the vile, violent things he did, I couldn't help but love him for the way he spoke, the way he dressed, the way he thought, and the way he carried himself. He regarded himself as a God, and I was his favorite toy. His perfect little doll. He had a sickness of the mind that I knew would lead to his demise, and I sought to cure him. When he murdered almost every member of the freakshow, I knew he had to be stopped. I proposed a sweet date in the forest just off route of the highway, where I knew no one could hear him scream.
Just as I raised the blade to Dandy's back, a pale hand smacked it away. 'Really Virginia, you shouldn't have!' Klaus slammed me up against a tree by my throat. 'Unhand her you heathen!' Shouted Dandy, pointing a gun at Klaus. Klaus laughed, putting me down, grabbing my arm and shoving me into Dandy, who wrapped his arms around me protectively. 'Mate, she tried to stab you!' Klaus smirked, holding up the knife I had planned to use. 'W-what?' Dandy asked, a look of betrayal on his face. 'Dandy... You killed people. Innocent people. I couldn't just stand idly by while you-' 'They weren't people Amethyst. They were freaks!' Dandy shouted, tears in his eyes. 'He's right you know.' Klaus laughed, and I gritted my teeth. 'Stay out of it Klaus.' I growled, and Klaus's eyes widened. I had never so much as looked at him disrespectfully, but then, I just didn't care. 'Excuse me?' Klaus asked, his fists balled. 'Just shut the fuck up okay?! I just want to have a semi-normal life with my serial killer boyfriend that I kill, bring back, and heal from all his genetic afflictions, kindly fuckoff and go do all of your hybrid business somewhere else!' I shout. Klaus growled, gripping me by my throat and lifting me in the air. 'Go home Dandy.' Klaus demanded, compulsing him. 'Look here little girl. Just because you're cute, doesn't mean I'll keep you around. If you get in my way, i'll kill you just as quick as I'd kiss you. So watch your pretty little ass, I'd hate for something bad to happen to something so nice.' He growled, tightening his grip. I grabbed at his hand, breaking his thumb. He drops me, and I kicked his shin, knocking him to his knees. I grabbed him by his hair and shoved my knee into his face. 'You cannot kill me Klaus. You can't hurt me.' I whispered in his ear. His hand shot up, i felt a sharp prick in my neck. 'I can keep you locked up. Just like the rest of my family.' He murmured into my ear, sweeping his arm under my knees and lifting me into his arms

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