The king goes marching in

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"I am probably the only one able to get in her head! You have to let me see her! I Have to know she's okay-" Niklaus is cut off by Leor. "you are entitled to nothing you horse-faced impertinent puke-stockinged parasite. You are partially to blame for her current state." Leor responds dryly. "Please..."Niklaus begs, running a hand through his strawberry blond hair. The phone is pressed firmly to his face as he speaks. He paces around the room, eyes darting around, as if he's looking for someone. And in a way, he was. He was looking for her. She wasn't there, in the otherwise quiet church. 

She was at the Salvatore boarding house, being coached on who Niklaus was, without all of the gory details. "And I had children by this man?" she asked, incredulous. "No, sweetheart, it was a lie. They were fathered by some werewolf man who owed me a favor." Elijah tries again. "Did I love Klaus?" she inquires, and there is a beat where Stiles speaks the word "yes" while everyone else in the room states no. Virginia breathes deeply, clearly confused and partially lost in her own head. Swirling lights and colors dance through her thoughts. Memories of memories. Some are harder than others. Her head ached but she kept probing, thinking. The life these people led her to believe she lived was fantastical, beautiful and wonderous. She felt something was off, she felt the missing link. She KNEW there was some sort of trickery afoot, by everyone in this room, including her own son. "Well I have one final question... is there anyone in this room I DIDNT have some sort of romantic relationship with?!" "I would hope you not with your son you goatish full-gorged strumpet" Leor quips, smiling. "You did get totally down and dirty with your cousin that one time though." Stiles adds, and is silenced with a smack to the back of his head.

Niklaus didn't dare breathe as he knocked gingerly on the solid oak door. When it opened there was the familiar face of his favorite ripper... and beyond that, the face of a girl he almost loved. This love was perverted, a power play in the making. He was attracted to the raw strength this girl possessed, her being just as immortal as he was... a plus. He was at her feet in a moment, kneeling and holding her hands. "Virginia... Virginia" he whispered, lost in his own thoughts as she smiled warily down at him. "you were not talked up to be the kind to grovel sir." She laughs. A geniune, shrill giggle that deeply confused Klaus. This is not the demeanor he was used to from this woman. He stands quickly. As he does, Virginia's eyes darken. Black as coal. She kisses him and he reciprocates. It's not until he begins to feel a bit woozy that he attempts to pull away, but to no avail. She latches tight onto him like a vice. He, having none of this, flings himself across the room to catch his breath. Stephan is at her side in a moment, holding her gently. "What did you do Klaus?!" Stephan demands, Niklaus coughs and sputters. "I didn't..." he continues to cough, and ultimately succumbs, falling to the floor. "What the-" Stephan breathes, Virginia's eyes return to crystal blue. "what....what Are you?" Virginia stands, gasping. "I... I am Virginia Dare. Born a Dare witch, wife of Lucifer, mother of a thousand bastards, mother of the original anti-christ. And I Do Not Belong here." She speaks dryly. She grabs him by the cheeks and snaps his neck in one fell motion. 

"What do you MEAN she's gone?!" Demands Leor, his eyes glowing white with rage. "She nearly killed me... something is wrong with her!" Klaus shouts, just as enraged. "Listen here you warped toad-spotted murderous coward, If she wanted you dead, you would be, now shut your festering maw, get into the woods and FIND HER." Leor seeths, snapping his fingers. Niklaus seemingly phases out of existance. "and you... what do you have to say for yourself?" He turns to Stephan. "She said she was the mother of a thousand bastards... and that she doesn't belong here..." Stephan offers solemnly. "Useless long-tongued worms-meat you are!" he snaps, Stephan is gone. "dude... we gotta talk about your vocabulary" Damon jokes before he too disappears. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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