A History, Part One.

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"It all began in Roanoke, January 29, 1584. I skipped about the oaks, my pure white skirts faded into vibrant green on the ends, matching the grass below my bare feet. 'Virgina! Elisabeth' Father called. My sister and I gasped deeply, looking down at ourselves. My untamed blonde curls fell infront of me. I searched for my bonnett, finding it strewn across a log. I stuffed my head into the thing, desperately trying to tuck my mess of curls into it. Next, I searched for my corset, nearly crying when I realised the lace was missing. Nonetheless, I put it on, using the lace from my shoe to keep it connected to my body. I gave up looking for my other satin shoe, instead going barefoot into the house. We both prayed papa wouldn't notice. Playing as we did was forbidden. Girls were not allowed to roughhouse in any form. We were to stay fair, fragile, and beautiful. 'Virgina! Elisabeth!' father called once more as we entered the cabin. 'We're here father!' I responded, bowing my head. 'Ah, praise the lord, I was begging to think the devil reached into the woods and pulled the two of you into the darkness.' He joked, walking into the main room. His smile dropped as he looked upon our faces. A man stood behind him, with raven hair and ice blue eyes so cold they sent a shiver down my spine. 'You have dirt on your cheek.' My father whispered harshly into my ear. 'This is Lord Morningstar. He is Virginia's  betrothed.' My father spoke aloud, to introduce the raven-haired man. Anger lined his forehead and etched itself into the creases about his cornflower eyes, but did not seep into his voice.  'My Lord.' My sister and I gasped, bowing before him. "Rise children." The man spoke, a smirk rested itself on his angelic face. He was rather handsome. His smile alone sent me on a spiral of lust and want. I immediately chastised myself on such sinful thoughts, and silently prayed for the Lord's forgiveness. 'If I may have a word with the girl alone?' The Lord inquired. My father nodded, bowing before he and my sister left me alone in the cabin with the strange, yet beautiful man. As soon as they left, the Lord approached me, he was so close it was indecent. 'It is my belief that no being should bow before anyone but the one who creates them. Do you think that's so?' He asked me, I nodded, submissive, hanging on to his every word. 'Then do not bow to me Virgina. Woman was created of the rib of man. Not of his heel, to be stepped on or of his skull to be above. But of his rib. Under his arm to be protect and by his side, to be an equal.' We had October 31st, 1584. There I lay, screaming, clenching my husband's hand. 'Push darling. Push hard my little doll.' He whispered as pain wracked my entire body. I felt the child's head crest. 'You are doing well Virginia. Keep going.' my sister prompted, her cool hands separated my thighs wider. A contraction ripped through me, scraping its demonic claws into my very soul. 'Please! My Angel! Take it away! Take away my pain.' I sobbed. My husband looked upon my tear-stained face and frowned. 'You're dying.' He said suddenly, his eyes widened. He placed his palms upon my face and my pain disappeared. I felt my ripped lower region healing. 'Almost Virginia. Almost.' He cooed as he glanced between my spread legs. I pushed once more, and I felt the child leave my womb. 'It's a boy. A beautiful boy!' Shouted my sister, holding up the beautiful blonde child before cuddling him to her breast. 'Give him to me.' Lucifer demanded, his ice blue eyes never left the babe." Stiles cuts me off. "You gave birth to Lucifer's child?!" He asks, eyes wide. "Stiles there's no way I'm going to get through five hundred years of history if you continue to interrupt me." I respond, and he sighs. "Sorry... continue." "The child was his son, and I was his wife. And we were happy. For a few years. Then the others came. The other angels. Lucifer and I walked through the garden. Our four year old son, Leor, between us, holding each of our hands. 'I am neither male or female. I am a celestial being and my true form is around the size of the entire island.' Lucifer explained, his eyes staring straight ahead of him. 'Then why did you choose a male form, were none of the female bodies strong enough to contain you?' I joked, brushing a loose curl out of Leor's face. 'Quite the contrary. The females are typically stronger then males. It's just... I'm the most beautiful being of all time. Therefore I occupy the most attractive vessel possible.' Lucifer responded, smiling bittersweetly. 'Are females not attractive?' I asked, genuinely hurt. 'Again, no. You must remember my love, I am nothing if not fair. It would be simply cruel for me to be female. I'd be too beautiful. Besides, if i had occupied a female vessel, I couldn't be talking to you. I would be you.' He laughed, kissing my nose. The moment was interrupted by a group of two women and four men. 'Lucifer.' The blonde-haired woman spit, her cruel seafoam eyes never leaving my beloved. 'Uriel. No.' Lucifer gasped, his arms spread like a bird, protecting our son and I. Fear laced his voice for the first time since I had met him. 'The child is a nephilim. A transgression against the oldest law of heaven. He must die.' The red-headed man said, his eyes didn't leave my son. Lucifer turned to me, a crazed look in his eye. He reached into his own chest, his hand phased right through his flesh. He retrieved a strange glowing orb ans split it into two. He shoved one half back into his chest, and pushed the other into me. 'Lucifer no!' The red headed man screamed. Lucifer pushed his palm out and the group flew backward. He turned to me, his eyes wide. 'Run. Take our son and run. To the ends of the earth if you have to. Just do not let them capture you. Run my love.' He demanded, picking up Leor and kissing his cheek before handing him to me. I ran. For six days and six nights, I ran. Bloody feet, tired arms. I fed Leor berries and roots. I kept running. On the third day, I came upon the angel Uriel. His red hair blew in the wind like flames on a pyre. I saw destruction in his eyes. My fear was overridden by my need to protect my son. 'Witch. I should have guessed as much. Luci would not lay with any mere mortal. He wanted his kin to have power, strength. He never loved you. He cannot love. Now give me the child, before I drop a house on your sister and burn your father at the stake.' He moved to approach me, but instead flew backward into a tree. 'Don't you dare touch her Uriel! I will smite you i swear to-' Lucifer steps out of the foliage, cuts and bruises littered his creamy flesh, but he looked like a Roman God nonetheless. Uriel cut him off 'To who? Our father? Oooh, the one who abandoned you? Abandoned us all after you pulled your little stunt with Eve? He hates you Lucifer. We all do. Threaten me all you like. I'm just-a shaking." The men commenced into battle. I ran with Leor in my arms, and I didn't look back. I eventually reached the shore when a loud, incensant, unbearable noise squeezed itself into my brain. I screamed and fell onto my knees. 'Mummy! Mummy it hurts!' Leor cried, squeezing his little eyes shut and gripping tightly to my neck. 'I know baby.' I gritted my teeth and put him down in a wooden rowboat. I quickly rowed away, the sound faded slowly the farther we were. I went back, a few years later. The angels sanitized the island." "What do you mean they 'sanitized the island?" "They killed every man, woman and child that lived on the island of Roanoke. My sister... My father... everyone I ever knew or loved, gone."  "Wow. Uh. That's pretty..." "Horrific. Angels are dicks. All of them. All of them except my Angel. And they killed him." "They killed Lucifer?!" Stiles eyes widen, his jaw drops. I nod, continuing my story. "I didn't stop running for over three hundreds years. I was in London in 1660. Leor and I lived under the guise as husband and wife, we had made a life for ourselves. We had friends, family in the city. The angel Raphael found us. He whispered into the ear of pope Gregory IX, told him cats were messengers of the devil. While my husband rather liked cats, he did not understand their language, only certain witches could do that. There was a massacre of felines, the rat population in London soared, as did the flea population. The black plague swallowed up whole city blocks. I saved as many people as I could. I was found out. The townspeople that I saved, that I loved, had me burned at the stake. I healed. And Leon and I fled England all together. We stole a boat and headed back to the New world. We ended up in Mississippi. I was appalled at what I saw while I was there. My family was always against slavery and labor by force, but these people seemed to regard the darker skined as a different species altogether. Leor and I purchased our own plantation and bought many slaves. Hundreds, thousands. Those that wished to stay, could, those who didn't needed only wait a year for the next voyage back to Africa. Leor and I saved thousands of them, but it never seemed to be enough. We had to move every decade. The civil war came and Leor enlisted. I begged him not to, but he repeatedly argued that his father would have done the same. No being should bow to anyone other then their creator. I slept easy knowing no weapon of this world could harm my darling son. I enlisted myself in a nurse's unit in the same platoon, some soldiers grew suspicious of my astounding survival rate, but no one outright complained. I think they were just greatful to be alive. Still, when six men saw Leor get shot in the chest in 1862, we had to move to a small town in Virginia, called mystic Falls. It was there that I met her. Katherine Pierce. She was there under the guise that her family perished in a fire, and she was nearly identical to me. At first she hated me, thought I was from some kind of original vampire cult." "There's VAMPIRES. Are you serious?" "Ironically, deadly. I met her just as we entered the small town. She staked me. When I did not die, she threw wolfsbane at me. Leor tackled her to the ground. At first, we feared eachother, soon, as in within the hour, we became great allies. She offered to let me stay with her as long as necessary, as well as protect Leor from the Angels, as long as I protected her from her own demons. She explained that we were decended from Tatia Petrova. We were known as doppelgangers. Something had gone wrong in the otherworld. My face resembled her's to a T, but her eyes were the color of chocolate, her hair the color of rich soil. She was on the run from Niklaus. The original Vampire. Apperantly the blood of a doppelganger could rid him of some kind of curse. He didn't know about me, only Katherine. So we had her witch, a handmaid she called Emily, enchant a bracelet to turn my hair and eyes brown, so I'd be an exact match for Katherine. In return for leading Klaus off her trail, she swore to protect Leor, who was a man by then, with her life. We were both immortals. She couldn't be harmed by angels. I couldn't be harmed by vampires. It was the perfect plan. Until Niklaus picked up on her trail, we were to pose as identical twins. Leor was to be our older brother. Together, we were unstoppable. For six months, we lived together in the house of her lovers. The Salvatores. Damon and stephan. I fell in love with the former. He so closely resembled Lucifer. Katherine had a problem with men, and it was not that she couldn't get them to love her, but quite the opposite. She wanted them both. Katherine was not opposed to sharing with me however, especially considering her sights were set mostly on Stephan. Damon and I fell in love. It was as we explored the woods on his property that he questioned me about my feelings for him.'So, Adelaide, a little birdy told me you fancy me.' Damon feigned a gasp, smirking afterwards. I blushed madly, looking downward as we explored the forest. Does this bird have a name? Does it rhyme with Tatherine perhaps?' I replied, laughing. He paused, turning towards me, hands up in surrender. 'You caught me Addie.' He laughed. 'The real question, is it true?' He asked, reaching his hand out in order to help me across the log that served as a makeshift bridge over the stream. 'I'll give you an answer after you answer a question of my own.' I responded, looking into those crystiline eyes that so closely resembled Lucifer's. 'And what might that be?' He asked as he raised an eyebrow. 'Is my love requited?' I asked, he tapped his chin before responding. 'A wise man once said Actions speak louder than words, do you think that is true Adelaide?' He asked, and before I could answer, his lips were on mine. We separated for only a few seconds before we began to year at eachother's clothing, and made love right on a bed of lilacs. Our love was... complicated. Katherine had the brilliant idea that we share them. And so the four of us launched into an intricate love diamond. I loved Damon most. Damon loved me most. Katherine loved Stephan most. And, as it happened, Stephan loved me most. It worked for a while, the jealousy overridden by frequent orgies and immeasurable lust. One morning, when I awoke with my legs tangled around Stephan's and my upper-half strewn haphazardly over Damon's chest while Katherine stood in a doorway with tears in her eyes, I knew she would have slit my throat if she could have. It took me giving her my word that I was only interested in Damon for her to trust me again. But that didn't stop Stephan from making advances. Little flirty kisses at the breakfast table and roses in my hair when I woke each morning. Damon hated it as well, regularly starting arguments with his younger brother, fighting in the courtyard, snide remarks as we layed in the extra-large bed. I grew sick of it when Damon ended up with a bloody nose and Stephan acquired a busted lip. I asked Katherine to remove his feelings for me, but she shook her head. 'Don't you think if I could I would have already? Compulsion forces him to act, not to feel. The only thing that can force someone to feel is a sire bond.' She bit into an apple, avoiding my eyes. 'What's that?' I asked, turning her chin so she looked me in the eye. 'It's an intense feeling- a devotion one feels when turned by a vampire. But it's very rare. One in a million.' She sighs, and I nod. 'So there's really nothing we can do?' I asked, defeated. 'I can compulse them to never let the other die if given the chance.' She suggests, and I nod. ' They should still be allowed to fight, just be unable to kill eachother.'  I agreed, hugging her. She hugged back. And to my suprise even to this day. I kissed her. And even more shockingly, she kissed back." "You lesbo-kissed your cousin seriously?!" Stiles interrupts, his eyes wide. He lays on his bed, his ankles crossed with his legs bent at the knee, leaving his feet up in the air. His head is propped up on his fists. "Yes. I did." I admit, sighing. Stiles scrunches his eyebrows together. "Isn't that illegal or something?" He asked and I shrug. "So what if I was sinning? I was already married to the devil. We all loved eachother. Soon Katherine and I were making love while the men watched. We were happy. None of the townspeople could tell Katherine and I apart, so I could occasionally go into town with either Stephan or Damon, but never both at the same time unless Katherine was present. Somehow, Damon and and Stephan could tell the difference between us. Our usual hijinks didn't work on them, Katherine had to compulse Stephan to do her bidding, but Damon did everything she said willingly. He loved her because I loved her. He did what she told because I did what she told. Still, for the public, we kept up the facade. If I was out with Damon, I was Katherine. If I was with Stephan, I was Addelaide.  I couldn't stop the way Stephan looked at me, but I could prevent myself from being hung for adultery. At most events within the small town, I attended on the arm of Damon, at the request- and some minor compulsion- from Katherine. It was her idea to always dress identically, just incase Klaus showed up or someone spotted the right Salvatore kissing the wrong Pierce. At a founder's ball, Katherine's plan made good."

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