Nightmares aren't as scary as Niklaus.

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I sighed heavily as Tate's warm hand slid down into my frilly white panties. His fingers worked their magic quietly, and I kissed his neck to avoid moaning too loudly.
My lips locked with his in a passionate frenzy of love and lust. Abruptly, the door opened and my father stood there, his eyes wide. "Virginia! What the hell are you doing!" he screamed, storming into the room and ripping us apart. I am the first to speak. "D-Daddy?" I wrap my arms around his waist, and my affections are rewarded with an open- hand slap on the cheek. Tate's eyes flashed that familiar look of frenzied fury. "Don't you DARE Touch her!" he screamed, moving towards father with balled fists. I stood quickly, wrapping my arms around his waist, effectively calming him and keeping him from hurting anyone. "You little WHORE. How dare you desacrate our family with your filth." Father screams, an evil glare sent at Tate every other word. I turn, strewn across the bed is every man and woman I have ever loved, and lusted for, one large orgy commencing. Skin of all shades melting into a fleshy haze. W-what is... Klaus stands. In all his naked glory. "My dear Virginia, you must come to me." He pleads, Stiles stands beside him. I watch in horror as Klaus rips into Stiles's throat. "No!" I scream, stepping forward to save him, but I find myself unable to move any further. The lights on the wall explode and Klaus pauses, his eyes wide. Tate screams, clutching his ears. Blood pours out of their eyes, all of them. Damon pleads, reaching out to me. Jason sobs, rocking back and forth. They all drop dead right before my eyes. Klaus stands, a smirk on his pale face. "Niklaus I will never forgive you for this!" I scream, dropping to my knees and sobbing. "Oh sorry. I'm not Klaus." He grins, kneeling beside me. I look up at him. His eyes flash that all too familiar ice blue. That cruel, cold blue. "You've been a very bad girl." My father says from the doorway, grabbing my arm and throwing me into a closet, locking the door. I scream and pound on the wood. I hate small spaces. I always have. I can't breathe. Oh God I can't breathe. "If you open the door, I will beat her and make you watch." Lucifer's muffled voice says on the other side. Footsteps are heard moving away from the closet door and I press my back against the door. A thud is heard and I hear heavy breathing. "I'm going to kill him." Dean's breathing is laboured and his anger is palpable. "Please Dean, I love him." I whisper, stuffing my fingers under the door. "You love too much. Pick one. Only one." Lucifer growls, stomping on my fingers roughly. Someone's fingers interlock with my broken ones. "You dont deserve this Holly, you are good. You are an innocent." Jason whispers, and I feel wet tears drip down my cheeks. A sharp slapping sound is heard, and the warm hand dissapears from my grasp. The door opens, and I see my worst fear standing in front of me. Uriel. The angels. My back hits the wall and I cry out. Elijah is by my side in seconds, scooping me into his own arms. Against my greater judgement, I wrap my arms around his neck, stuffing my face into it. "She's defective in the head. That's what it is." He sighs, shifting me from arm to arm "There's something wrong with her." He nods. I look up to see the walls of the asylum. No. Not again. No. "Elijah! Please don't leave me alone here! Please!" I beg, holding tight to him. "You deserve to be alone." He growls, tossing me aside. I shake in fear as I realise he has placed me in a coffin. "No!" I beg, scratching at the padded lining, trying to get out of it. "Someone! Please!" I scream, my heart is pounding. The top closes on me. "LUCIFER! DAMON! DEAN! STILES! JASON! SAM! TATE! DEREK! KYLE!SOMEONE PLEASE! ANYONE! NIKLAUS!" I scream, pounding on the walls in fear. "Virginia?" Niklaus's voice calls. The coffin opens. I pop up, wrapping my arms around him, sobbing. "Thank you... thank you... thank you." I cry, he holds me tightly. "What's wrong love?" He asks, I hold him tighter. He shushes me, gently patting my back. "It's okay. I'm here now. Nothing's going to hurt you. Shh... everything's gonna be alright sweetheart." He coos, stroking my hair. I open my eyes, looking around the room. "Where am I?" I ask, looking around. "You're safe." He replies, pulling apart from me. I look into his eyes. Dark, five-fifty-three Am blue. Niklaus. I push myself into his chest, sitting fully on his lap. "Is it over? Is it really over?" I ask, holding tightly to him. "The running? Yes. It's all over. You're with me now. The way you should have been from the beginning." He pushes my hair behind my ear. I look more closely around the room. No Windows. Four poster bed, paintings on the walls. I'm awake. I growl, pushing Klaus away, I begin popping blood vessels in his brain. "You fuck. What have you done? Where's Derek?" I ask, he growls, his eyes turning red. "Keep doing that and he won't get to see dinner darling." He threatens. I roll my eyes. "I don't actually give a shit about him Nik." "Oh, but you care for that little human. Stiles was it? How about I rip his bloody throat out?" He growls. I pause. No. This isn't real either. It can't be. "What do you want Klaus?" I ask, sneering angrily. "The only thing I ever wanted! You! I want your love!" He shouts, standing and pulling at the roots of his hair. "You can't keep love hostage Nik." I sigh, crossing my arms. "I can't compel you to shut up and I can't rip out your tongue because it'll just grow back. How's my chances on you catching a case of Stockholm syndrome?" He smirks, standing. "Not a chance." I growl. "Well, how about I lock you in a box until you love me?" He asks, and my heart drops. "N-no. Please Nik." I stutter, he cocks an eyebrow. "So that's your kryptonite Eh? Tight spaces? I thought an Angel would be above claustrophobia." He grins. "How about I stop your heart right here, right now?" I ask, sneering. "You cloudn't." He laughs. I begin drawing his breath from his body. He begins to desacate, his skin turning grey. "I can." I confirm, letting him heal. "What if I strip you of your vampirism Nik? Or your lycanthropy? I can snap my fingers and you'll be weak. Powerless. Mortal. And then I won't have to kill you, I'm sure with your shit personality someone will come along and do it for me." I cross my arms, he growls. "Listen sweetheart. I'll clue you in on something. If I die, so do your precious Damon and Stephan Salvatore. Yes, they're both still alive. Don't think I forgot how you begged me for the former's life way back when." He threatens, I laugh. "What makes you think I ever gave a shit about them Klaus? You also thought I was Katherine for fourty years. I only have one true love and he would snap your skinny body like a twig." I laugh. He draws up his lips in a sneer. "If I die, you can't leave. Look closer at the paintings on the walls sweetheart." He grins. I look around. Angel wardings line each and every wall. Shit. "No angels in, no angels out. Not without a very experienced Hunter." He grins. "My way of keeping you safe darling. Like I said, no more running." He taps my nose with his pointer finger. "If I'm stuck here, I want a pet. You can't be here every moment of every day. I'm sure you know about little Elena. You've got hybrids to make now, no?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "I'm quite fond of dogs." He nods, I roll my eyes. "I was thinking more intellectual companionship. I want my pets. They're all in Mystic Falls." I shrug. "You can have one." Klaus demonstrates with a finger. "But-" "Ah ah, no. One." He says sternly. I huff. "Nikkkkk." I cross my arms, pouting. "Virginiaaaaa." He mocks, putting his hands on his hips. "Fine. His names Jason Dean. But he won't be in Mystic Falls until Thursay." I sigh. "Well, isn't that lucky. It is Thursday." He grins. "I was out for three days?" I ask, and he shakes his head. "Try three weeks love." He stands, I stand with him. He leaves, shutting the door. Suddenly, it feels like I can't breathe. Every part of my body begins to shut down. No. No. Not again. I scream. Klaus rushed back in, lifting me off the ground. "I- I can't be alone." I shake, he shushes me, smoothing down my hair. "So that's your real weakness. You can't be alone..." He whispers, putting me on the bed and tucking me in. " Jerome. Get in here." He calls, a man enters the room. "This is Jerome, your little playmate until I get back. Behave, be in bed by ten p.m. and please be gentle with him. He's one of my favorites. And Jerome, keep the girl here and happy at all costs. Do not leave her alone." He sighs, leaving me alone in the room with the man. "Hi, I'm Virginia." I introduce, reaching out a hand. "Jerome." He responds, shaking my hand. "I don't suppose you'll help me escape this hell hole?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "Well, probably not. I'm sired to Klaus." He shrugs, and I groan. "Of course you are." I rub my temples. "I kind of hate his guts though." He admits. I laugh. "That makes two of us." I stand, stretching. "I don't suppose Klaus has any idea on how to kill me? Going to hell would actually solve many problems if I'm being honest." I tilt my head, and Jerome shrugs. "Not that I know of." I sigh. "Well... I've always kind of wanted to try this." I pick up a pencil, focusing hard. It becomes a sword. "what the-" Jerome backs away. I shake my head. "Listen closely Jerome. I want you to take this sword, and chop me in half. Right from the top of my skull and through my pants." "But-" "It would make me happy." I interrupt. His facial expression changes ever so slightly. "It would?" He asks, I smile, handing him the sword. "It would." I nod. He takes a deep breath, hoists the sharp blade all the way over his head, and brings it down hard on the top of my skull. I'm still awake when I feel it slice clean through my crotch.
My skull is swimming when I awaken. "Oh my god." I hear a voice identical to my own say. I turn to see another doppelganger sitting in the corner. Jerome looks absolutely traumatised. Klaus is standing in the doorway, JD is not by his side. "This... this isn't possible." The doppelganger says, her face is soaked in confusion. "Well, believe it or not, there are quite a few of us." I laugh, standing. "No, love. You don't understand." Klaus shakes his head. "I dont understand what?" I ask, and the other girl's jaw drops. "When two halves with equal possibility to heal are made, which becomes the original being?" Klaus asks. "I believe that process is called mitosis." Jerome nods. "Wait, you mean I... reproduced... Asexually?" I ask, looking over at... well... me. "While trying to kill yourself. Honestly Virginia am I that bad?" Klaus winces. "So... now there's two of me?" The other girl asks. "Well, technically... there's four of us now, counting Katherine and Elena." I nod. "Well... uh... this awkward... and way above my pay grade so uh... Jerome out." Jerome exists the room. My eyes are wide. "So... wait. If I split myself in half, and now there's two of me... Nik you only need one of us right?" The other me tilts her head. "I'm right you know..." I nod. "This is all very confusing and I really need a drink." Klaus says suddenly, standing up and leaving the room. I'm left alone with Virginia number two. "Well, first things first. One of us is going to have to pick a new name." She suggests, and I nod. "I'm fine being Adelaide." I offer, and she grins. "Okay cool. I'll be Virginia." "Now, how do you suppose we get out of here?" I ask, looking around at the warding on the walls. "We'll need a Hunter or some kind of human to break the seals." She advises, and I nod. Humans, surprisingly hard to come by in this day and age. But I know of one. "Do you think we could send a letter? To Chris?" I ask, and she grins. "Yeah, definitely." She nods. "And he can get Sam and Dean and they can take Klaus down once and for all." I grin, getting the paper from the drawer on the wall opposite the bed. "Set up a locator map spell, so they can find us more easily." She instructs, I nod. "Okay... here." She gives me her hand, I feel a tingling sensation. "Logic would dictate since we're both half of the same being, half of our power is in each of us. Meaning we need to be connected to properly do the spell." She explains, I nod. Makes sense. "Well. Klaus had to leave unexpectedly to take care of something in Mystic Falls. Something about Elena Gilbert's kid brother becoming a super Hunter set on killing all vampires and a magic tattoo that is a map to a cure for immortality..." Jerome informs, my heart drops. "Are... are you fucking serious?" Virginia asks, gritting her teeth. "V, Damon's a vampire... Jason's a vampire. We have to help them." I say, and she nods. "Well we need to figure out how to get out of here." I run my hands through my- now blonde- hair. "I think I can help with that." Says a familiar voice from the hallway. I look up to see those warm brown eyes that I haven't seen since 1821. "Kol?" I shout, standing quickly, running to him. "Virginia. I missed you Mon Cherie." He grins, hugging us. "Now there's more for you to love." I laugh, gesturing to Virginia. "Fantastic!" He laughs, kissing both of our cheeks. "Now, what's this buisness about my arse of an older brother keeping you locked up in here?" He asks, smirking. "We can't leave because of the warding on the walls." I gestrue to the walls. "And why is that?" He asks, smirk still playing on his face. "Because it keeps angels from entering or exiting." I tilt my head. "Somehow, I thought you were quicker then that Mon Cherie. You were only half angel, which technically is enough to keep you here. But, then you split yourself in half-litterally. Do the math Mon Cherie. One half, split in half is?" He trails off, I grin. "Kol! You're a genius!" I grin, wrapping my arms around him tighter, Virginia grins. "Hardly. I am, however, capable of simple arithmetic." He grins. I move to leave the room, but pause. "Wait... You're dead... I saw you stabbed." I move away from him. "Yes. By my very own brother. But, then again, I also drained every drop of blood from your pretty little neck and you endured. People like us, we have a habit of not staying dead." He shrugs. "Wait... Your brother... Klaus and Elijah- they're- what?" Virginia asks, her eyes wide. "Yes, I didn't have much time to tell you before they shoved a dagger in my heart." He grabs each of our hands and leads us out of the room and out of Niklaus's house. "We can't just go to Mystic falls, we just got out of Klaus's grasp." Virginia gestures to the house as Kol ushers us into his car. "He got the jump on us. I'd like to see him try that again." I grab her hand, shivers run up my arm and down my spine. "There is a witch bloodline in Mystic Falls. One such witch, Emily, I knew when I had lived there years ago." I nod, and Virginia sighs. "There's one other thing." Jerome finally speaks up. "Go on them lad, spit it out." Kol urges. "The before mentioned magic tattoo thingy? Yeah, that's supposedly a map that leads to some kind of cure." He bites his lip. Kol looks like he's been shot in the chest. "You mean... He's one of the five... oh great. I'm starting to miss my coffin." Kol groans, rubbing his temples. "Five what?" I ask. "Five hunters. Hunters sworn to kill all vampires. The map leads to a cure, but locked with the cure is Silas, a very nasty witch who, if awoken, will lift the veil between earth and purgatory, letting every single dead supernatural being right up to the surface, to wreak havoc on the earth." Kol explains, his face looks frenzied. An emotion I had never seen on him, fear, drips down into his very soul. "But they're only looking for the cure, super dead guy can stay super dead." Jerome shrugs. "Well, if they really are looking for a cure, we have to stop them. The only way to get a cure is to raise Silas, and to break the seal. To purgatory." Kol interjects, I scoff. "What am I? Chopped liver? I can cure anything." I roll my eyes. "No, not to a sickness Mon Cherie. To vampirism." Kol clarifies, I shrug. "I said anything. Give me time and I can figure it out. A witch's spell is nothing to an Angel's will." Virginia adds, crossing her arms. I must say it's nice to always have someone thinking exactly like me at all times. Had I known I could be so useful, I would have taken a ride down a logging machine years ago.

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