Cracked Windows and Bloodied Leather.

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"No. Absolutely not." I shake my head, watching Dean roll his eyes via the rearview mirror. "You can't stay here. It's too dangerous. If someone was to find out that you can't die and that you can keep others alive, they'll force you to. You can't have feelings for these teenagers. People will use them against you. They are a weakness. You could get them killed. You cannot and will not stay." Sam commands, I grit my teeth. "I'd appreciate if you didn't talk to me like I'm a child. I raised you." I seeth. "Then stop acting like one! You are four centuries old. I know it's impossible to act your age, but at least have some maturity." Dean rolls his eyes. "Oh fuck off Dean. Who the hell are you to talk about maturity? Last I checked, only one of us needs adult supervision. If you think for one second you could make it out there without John or Sam, you're so dead wrong I'm almost jealous." I seeth, venom leaking through every word. Dean pulls over, turning around in his seat. He points at me, eyes squinted. "You are walking a dangerous line little girl. I may not be able to kill you... yet. But I can still kick your ass. And the best thing about it? You'll heal up and I can do it all over and over again." Dean turns back around in his seat, gripping the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles turn white. "Because that's what John would want. Right Dean? You always were your father's perfect little soldier. Save the world, protect your family." I mock, kicking the back of his seat. "You failed Dean. You failed your dad, your mom, you're failing Sammy now. If only your mother could see you now you are despicable. Pitiful. Your hubris will be the death of you. Just like it was for your father." I seeth, leaning in close, nearly pressing my lips to his ear. He turns quickly, gripping my chin between his fingers. "You have no right to talk about my family." He growls, I laugh. "I don't think they'll mind Dean. They're dead. Besides, I didn't say anything unfair nor anything untrue. I suppose they are pretty stupid to put up with your shit as long as they have. You got your father killed Dean. It's only a matter of time before the same happens to Sammy. I'll be damned if I am here to watch the boys I rai- the boys I love  kill each other." I open the door, slamming it. "Madeleine please." Sam jumps out of the car, following me as I run. My superior speed. His long legs, the demon's blood in his veins making his speed match mine despite my toughest efforts. "It's Demi!" I shout, turning on him, fists clenched. "Sam what the hell is she talking about? What do you mean you raised us?" Dean questions, pushing past Sam to look down into my eyes. "Do me a favor and read your dad's other journal. The one he kept under the floorboards in the Roadhouse." I turn around, Sam grabs my arm, keeping me in place. "Let go or I'll rip it off." I murmur, not looking at him. If I look at him, I know I'll break. "Madeleine... where have I heard that name before?" Dean asks, Sam's  grip tightens. The bruises heal just as fast as they are created. "You don't want to do this Dean." A tear runs down my cheek. "Why? Why can't I remember you?" "Because your memories are taken away when you go to heaven. They can torture you just as badly as Demons can." I sigh. Sam grips my shoulder, forcibly turning me. "I brought you back and gave you back your memories. The ones that don't involve me." I sob, looking at Dean's beaten-up leather combat boots instead of his face. He grips my chin, tilting my face up. "Give them back." He whispers, matching tears stream down both our faces. "No." I breathe, and he grips my shoulders tighter, my humorous is at the risk of breaking. "Give me my memories. Please." He demands, I look up at Sam. He nods, painfully. "Fine." I breathe, looking him in the eye. I let the floodgates loose, giving back everything I had taken from him. He screams, dropping to his knees. Sam rushes to his side. "It hurts doesn't It? Yeah. That's what bad memories do. They hurt. I was protecting you. Both of you. But you're such fastidious pricks you can't help but pick at this facade of security to the point of Swiss cheese. I was trying to help you. I was trying to save you. But I'm done trying. I'm done helping people who don't want my help. I'm gonna go back to Beacon Hills. Where I have people who need me. People who love me." I flip the switch on my emotions. Drowning out any guilt or sorrow my actions have caused me. My world shifts to monotone shades of black and white as I turn on my heel, walking away at a business pace. "Get your ass back here before I throw you over my shoulder and put you back in the car myself." Sam says a few feet behind me, I laugh dryly. "I'd like to see you try." "Stop running! You always run. Why? You aren't afraid of anything. I think that's not true. You are afraid of plenty. Responsibility.  Emotions. You can't get hurt if you can't get hit huh? Is that the end goal? To just leave when the going gets rough?" Sam laughs humorlessly. "Watch it Winchester. I pulled your brother out of the dirt. I won't hesitate to shove him right back in, and this time, I don't think he'll go upstairs if you know what I mean." I state, continue to walk. The men are hot on my heels. "I don't make a habit of hitting women but I will knock your skinny ass out." Dean shouts. "You cannot hurt me Dean. No matter what you say or what you do, I will always be just fine. In fifty years, you will be old, crippled If not dead, and I'll be here. The same pretty little girl. Forever. I will never change. And damn it all to hell, I'm envious of you. You are going to get Sammy, and eventually yourself, killed. Without even trying. Some of us are just lucky that way." I turn, crossing my arms over my chest. "Stop chasing me!" I scream, anger overriding my emotional blockade. My angry gaze shifts to Dean, with squinted eyes I stride towards him. I look him in the eye and poke his chest. "Dean. I'm not one of those girls you can persuade with cheap liquor and bad pick up lines." I switch my gaze to Sam. Caressing his face, I whisper softly. "As for you repunzel, I get you are so desperately searching for a girl that won't try to eat you or burn on the ceiling after she fucks you." I take a step back, looking between the two of them "But neither of you are exactly my type. I prefer my men without so many daddy isaues." I monotone. "Get in the car Virginia." Dean pulls out a handgun. "Woah, Dean!" Sam says, suprised. "You heard her Sammy, she can't die. This'll only knock her out for a few hours. Long enough to tie the bitch up and put her ass in the trunk." Dean smiles widely. "You stupid son of a bitch. Do you really think it's a good idea to put me where you keep the guns? Only one of us can heal a headshot." I deadpan, crossing my arms. "Get. In. The. Car." Dean replies, cocking his pistol. "Eat me." I turn around, walking away. I hear the gunshot rather then feel it. I look down to see blood seeping through my shirt, right through my stomach. "Get in the goddamn car Virginia, or the next one is in your freaking head." "You got blood on my tank top. Dick." I keep walking. A second gunshot blackens all of my vision. Sam's voice cuts like a gleaming silver knife into my blissful oblivion. "Get the rope. I'm gonna tarp the backseat. The last thing we need is blood all over the leather."

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