A Salvatore reunion.

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Entering Mystic Falls for the third time wasn't as trippy as the first or second. "You keep your bastard of an older brother occupied while We assess the situation." I instruct Kol, who nods, kissing us both passionately before zipping off. When tracking down the aura of our doppleganger, we come across the new and improved Salvatore residence. Damon sits on the front porch, looking incredibly worried. "Addie? You were dead! Klaus said-" "Klaus is a lying, manipulating bastard and honestly Damon I thought you were smarter then to listen to him." I cross my arms angrily. "By the way, this is Virginia. Long story short, I split myself in half and both halves healed." I sigh, and he raises an eyebrow. "Oh... oh this is perfect. If you're here then Stephan will have to come around..." He grins, I raise an eyebrow. "He got with Elena. Stephan's hurting..." Virginia's eyes widen. "Oh god..." I look over at Virginia. "You tell him about Silas, and I'll tend to Stephan." I nod, cupping Damon's cheek momentarily before entering the house. "Stephan?" I call out, and he rounds the corner. "Adelaide?" He asks, his forehead puckered in confusion. I waste no time, I run into his arms, and kiss him. I pull all of the pain from his being with this simple, yet complex gesture that has shown to be the staple of romanticism for centuries. I wince as his pain fills me completely. It's so deep, like a knife that keeps stabbing, but with every jab the blade gets more jagged, ripping at the flesh and the very force of the motion cauterizes the wound immediately, only to tear it more viciously with each passing blow. It hurts. "No, Addie stop." Stephan tries to pry me off of him, but I keep taking away his pain. All of it. It has to go somewhere. I don't mind that somewhere being me. "STOP!" Stephan screams, I can barely hear him over someone else screaming. Who is that? Lips are pressed against mine, and I pause. The screaming stops. I jolt with the realization that I, infact, had been the one screaming. "Jesus buddy, you need a therapist." Virginia laughs from the doorway. "What the hell just happened?" Damon shouts angrily. "I did what I do best, I took his pain away." I explain, Stephan looks considerably better. I grin. "My loves." I laugh, hugging the three of them gleefully. "This is really weird." Damon says, and I laugh. "So, where is my little cousin? I hope she is well?" I tilt my head. "Well uh, so... about that..." Virginia winces. "No- is she dead? We can fix that." I smile, and Damon bites his lip. "No... uh... well..." "She's a vampire." Stephan finishes. "Oh, so that's why you are looking for the cure. Don't have to now, we can fix that too." I nod. "If Klaus hadn't of kidnapped me, I could have made sure she never actually died." Virginia crosses her arms angrily. "There's a reason we walked out of that place so easily Addie." Virginia crosses her arms angrily. "Klaus has a girl he really likes, Caroline. And she sort of likes him back but she's infatuated with another hybrid. Tyler." Stephan explains. "So we ice Tyler and make Caroline want him." Virginia shrugs. "NO!" Shouts a very familiar voice from the hallway. "Caroline is my friend, we are not going to use her as a pawn." Elena crosses her arms angrily. "Oh son of a bitch." I whine. "Please, I can get you other friends. I've been on the run from this lunatic for almost fifty years." Virginia begs, and Elena scoffs. "I will tear you apart." She growls, Virginia laughs. "Go ahead hot shot, then you'll have three pissed off immortals hunting your ass, except, you're not actually immortal. You're pretty damn weak actually. A purple flower, a pencil or the damned sun is all I need to gank you. Lucky for you, I dont believe in killing family. So I'll just lock you in a box for a milleina or two, a trick I learned from Niklaus himself." Virginia growls, I stick an arm out in order to protect Elena. "Enough! We do not threaten children." I scold, Virginia rolls her eyes. "We don't negotiate with them either. You're the soft half Addie. I'm going to find and get rid of this Tyler character, you keep playing house and sharing men with your doppleganger, because that worked out so well for you the first time." She suddenly disappears. "Call Tyler. Tell him to run." I instruct, looking at Elena, she nods, walking out of the room, Damon follows her. "Stephan do you know of a Bennett witch, somewhere around here?" I ask, and his eyebrows raise. "Uh, yeah actually." He nods. "Good, call her. Tell her Virginia Date needs her help." I instruct, turning on my heel. "Where are you going?" He asks. "There's a full hospital in Mystic Falls. Virginia and I are connected. Healing people weakens me, and if I'm weak, so is she. It'll slow her down." I shrug. "Well, be careful." He nods. I smile. "I love you Stephan. If Elena doesn't work out, just remember, I'll always be here." I breathe out slowly, before apperating back to my home. JD sits on the couch, bouncing his leg nervously, chewing his fingernails. "Monster?" I sing, and he stands, turning around, a relieved look dances across his face as he engulfs me in a hug. "Where the hell were you?" He asks, his eyebrows drawn so tightly together I cannot discern where one stops and the other begins. "I was kidnapped. By him. By Niklaus. Jason I'm so unbelievably tired of this. I need him gone." I hug him tighlty. "But you can't kill him. If he dies, my Salvatores die, Elena dies. So I need you to find the Winchesters. If anyone can take him down without killing him, it's them. I just need him locked in a box for a couple hundred years so he can think about what he's done to me, to our family." I shake in his arms, he sighs. "Okay Princess, I'll take care of the big bad wolf for you, but, by chance is there anyone I can kill?" He asks, I laugh. "Maybe later handsome, for now, just get rid of the monster in my closet." I smile, kissing his cheek. He grins, and leaves the house. I take no time in heading to Elena's home, to speak to her without the Salvatores. If she truly wants to be cured, I can cure her myself. I look around her home, and pick up a picture of her with her family. A mother, a father, a brother. I smile. He looks a bit like my sister did. Those warm brown eyes, that dimpled smile...

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