Shadows Of The Heart

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"Woo Hoo!" I screamed as I watched Shikamaru knock the guy out with one swift kick to the head. The crowd was going wild. Shikamaru had on black boxing shorts, no shirt,(which is heaven for me) and his usual ponytail at the top of his head. I was in the front row. So close that if he looked away from his opponent he would automatically see me from the spot he was in. The crowd counted down with the referee" 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0!" Ding Ding Ding! The bell went off to state the end of the match. After Shadow's opponent got up, the ref held up Shika's hand to announce he won. I felt a little bad for the guy for losing in the first 5 seconds of the game. The roaring of the crowd snapped me out of my thoughts as Shika began to say what he thought of the match and who he gives his thanks to. "I want to thank my fans and my pops and my mom. Uhh, I want to thank everyone that helped me get to where I am. Thank you all." Shika said with his normal laid back voice,with that cocky smirk that shouldn't be sexy, but is. When he was done he went backstage for the meet and greet, which I got tickets to and the last VIP tickets, I walked backstage to get in line. I waited half and hour before I got in front. My breath caught in my throat as I looked at him. I stared at his face I got to his lips when I realized he was smirking. I blushed as I noticed I was staring. "Hey",he said. "H-hi, I'm Neji", I said with a smile and held out my hand for him to shake. "Shikamaru",he said as he took my hand to his lips and kissed it with that smirk on his face. This is going to be interesting.

A/N: I hope you guys liked it, it's my first fanfiction so feel free to give me lots of pointers. As you can see Neji is a little OOC in this story. He's gonna be a bit softer in this story. And I might squeeze some Mpreg in there! So, enjoy and tell me if I should continue!!:D

Shadows Of The Heart: A Shikaneji FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now