Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Neji POV

3 months later

I woke up in my and Shika's bed. I had moved in 3 weeks ago. After lots of pestering and pleading from a usually "I don't give a shit" Nara, I finally agreed. I crinkled my nose as I smelled eggs cooking. I usually love eggs, but today it made me sick to my stomach like a lot of other foods lately. I started to feel queasy and dashed to the bathroom. I lifted the seat of the toilet hurriedly and puked my life away. I felt a strong hand on my back. Shikamaru was rubbing my back and whispering soothing words to me while pulling my hair away from my face. When I was done he gave me some water. "Rinse your mouth, brush your teeth, take a shower, and get dressed so we can take you to see a doctor" Shika ordered in a firm but soft voice. " Shika, I'm not going to the hospital. We've been over this already." I said trying to keep the irritation out of my voice. " Neji, this isn't just some cold or fucking flu! It's been happening for 3 weeks!" Shika yelled " I don't care Shika! I don't like hospitals, you know that!" I yelled back "Why am I arguing with you? Why won't you just go to the hospital? Go get dressed Neji!" Shika demanded " Who do you think you are?! Don't fucking tell me what to do, you fucktard!" I seethed while poking my finger in his chest " I'll do as I damn please, Neji. Now. Go. Get. Dressed. " Shika sneered in anger loosing his patience "Ugghhh!" I threw my hands up as I stomped away. ' How dare he tell me what to do?! That fucktard! I know he cares, but no need to worry so much! It's just a virus or something,it'll go away. I mean it's not like I'm pregnant' I scoffed then I realized. 'OH MY GOD!' I gasped as I dropped the t-shirt I was holding. 'What if I am?!?! I forgot I could get pregnant! Stupid Neji!' I could feel my eyes burning with tears at all the possibilities of Shika leaving me. Tears started flowing uncontrollably down my cheeks. "Neji are you re-- Babe? What's wrong?" Shika asked worriedly " nothing I'm fine" I said my voice cracking " Yeah Right, and I'm a ninja" Shika said sarcastically. I let out an amused snort and he smiled at me. " let's just go to the hospital" I said " but tell me whats wrong Nej--" " I don't wanna talk about it" " Nej--" I cut him off with a glare. "Off to the hospital we go" Shika sighed. I hate hospitals, but I really need to know if I'm pregnant or not. "I've got a fighting match in 2 weeks" Shika said " That's good" I said with a smile. "But..." my smile dropped. " It's in Brazil" he winced as I opened my mouth to reply. "It's fine Shika" I laughed at his reaction to my answer. "I can still go right?" "Yeah of course babe" he said as we pulled into the parking lot of the hospital. We walked in through the doors and Shika spotted a nurse. "Exscuse me, I was wondering if you could tell me where Dr. Achilles is?" (A/N I know but I legit know someone with the last name Achilles, cutest guy ever dimples and everything!) The nurse flirted with Shika shamelessly. "Sure I could tell you who that is,but wouldn't you rather find out who I am? " the mouse like girl seductively drawled out with a flirtatious smile. She had on pink scrubs. Her black hair was in a ponytail. She had green eyes and pale skin. Her skin was caked with make up and her nails were freakishly long. " I'd rather not find out who you are. I'd put this nicely,but I can't so I'm just gonna say're ugly and I'm gay. Those are two combinations that don't go well together. Unless you're cute and a guy, then you have no chance.....sorry not sorry. Now, can you show me where the Doctor is?" Shika drawled out bluntly. "O-of course. Right this way. " the girl stammered embarrassed. I smirked at Shika's response. The woman showed us to Dr. Achilles. I chose him because he's the only one who knows about my........ Being-able-to-get-pregnant-even-though-I'm-a-guy-ness.the nurse brought us to the doctor's office. She opened the door and told ,us to sit down. "I'll get Dr. Achilles" she said, still embarrassed. The office reeked of chemicals. It stung my nose with every breath. It was bare except for the metal desk in the corner of the room and the bed in the middle. The room was sterile . It smelled like someone flooded the room with bleach. It made my stomach churn. 'What if Shika does leave me?' Just then the door opened and Dr Achilles came in. "Hello Mr Hyuga, Mr Nara" the cute doctor said with a sterling white smile. He had broad shoulders, deep sea blue eyes, dimples, Jet black hair into a quiff, and tan skin. He looks good, but Shika looks waaaaaaaaaaaay better. I snapped out of my reverie as the doc spoke to me. " Neji, what brings you here today" the doc said, did I mention he was Australian? "I have been throwing up for the last 3 weeks. I'm convinced I'm just sick, but Shikamaru and I want to make sure that it's nothing too bad" I said in a worried voice. "Ah, have you had any sexual intercourse in the past weeks that you have been sick?" He asked. "Uh....yes" I blushed awkwardly. I heard Shikamaru chuckle. I glared at him, he instantly stopped and put his hands up in mock surrender while shaking his head back and forth. "Have you used protection?" "Uhmm..... n-n-no" "Neji, you know why can happen" the doctor stated firm and soft. " I know, but it slipped my mind! I forgot that it could happen..." I fiddled with my thumbs while looking at the mattress below me. I seen Shikamaru moving his head back in forth as our conversation went on, trying to figure out what we were talking about. "Well, does he know?" The doctor asked. "No, I want to tell him myself" I said in a soft nervous voice while glancing at Shika. " What the fuck are you two talking about?

"Baby, I'll tell you when we get home" I pleaded.

"Fine" Shika sneered

'Anger issues' I singsonged in my head. " Well, to make sure, I'm going to have to run some tests. " Doc said while walking over and getting an empty tube. " I'm going to need a urine sample." He handed me the tube. I went to the bathroom and peed in the tube. When I came out, I gave him the sample. " Now, I'm going to call you in two days. That's when I'll get the results" he said " okay, thank you" I said as I gathered my stuff to leave. When we got in the house Shika exploded with questions."The fuck were you talking about? "

I turned to Shikamaru and opened my mouth to reply. " Icouldbepregnantandifiamitsyours" I rushed out. "What?" Shika said. "I said, I could be pregnant and if I am it's yours" . His eyes widened as I thought 'please don't leave me Shika'


Love ya Lots!😜😝😉😘

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