Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Shikamaru's POV

Waaah waaah

I groaned as I heard the the shrilling cry of our baby "Your turn or mine?" I asked the Neji who I was currently spooning. "Yours" he snuggled back into the covers as I groaned again and got out of the bed.

I made my way to the nursery it was a boxing themed room. I walked over to the crib and peeked inside. He immediately stopped crying when he saw me...but then he just kind of gave me a mean look. Bruh, you're like 5 days old.. How do you know how to make that face? "Kemuri, why're you mean mugging me? I get up at like 3 AM to feed your greedy self" cooed, teasing him as I picked him up. I looked at the chubby baby in my hands with a smile. He was adorable. Kemuri had greyish silver eyes as if there was smoke trapped in them. He was tan, like me. His hair was black, curly, and he already had a full head of hair. I guess he gets that from Neji. 'Muri smiled at me and I realized he had dimples! That's from me too! Score! He was definitely gonna be a fighter, I could feel it. I walked to the kitchen and warmed up a bottle of milk. I tested it on my wrist to makes sure it wasn't too hot then walked back into the nursery with my kid nestled in my arms. He was looking at me, his eyebrows furrowed as if he was concentrating. I chuckled at him and bopped his button nose, which made him smile. When I was in the nursery I sat in the rocking chair and fed him his bottle. When he was done I burped him. He gave 2 little burps than I lied him back into his crib and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight little man" I whispered than turned around and jumped as I seen Neji there. He had a smile plastered on his face. "Is my Nara turning soft?" He said after I closed the door behind us. I rolled my eyes. "Only for his kid"

"Mhmm, and I'm gonna marry a dog named skittles"

"I want a husky named Blu"

"Not the point"

"Shut up and go to sleep Neji" I smirked as I lied on my back with one hand behind my head and the other wrapped around the pale eyed male cuddles up to me. "Fine" he laughed "I love you Shika" . I smiled and kissed his forehead " I love you too" Then I fell asleep

Waaah waaaah

"Your turn" I smirked in triumph as Neji let out a string of profanities on his way out the door. I could definitely get used to this

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2014 ⏰

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