Chapter 13

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Skipping the birth because I have no idea how those work

Neji POV

"One last push Neji" the doctors told me, but I was so exhausted and in so much pain. "I can't do it" tears were running down my face. "Yes you can Neji. Come on one more push and it'll all be over, I promise." Shika murmured in my ear while I had his hand in a death grip. How he's not crying in pain at how hard I'm squeezing it, I don't know. "One more" the doctor said. I nodded and pushed harder than I ever did before and I was rewarded with a piercing cry of a baby. Our baby. I collapsed on the hospital bed out of exhaustion. "You have a beautiful baby boy! Congratulations" the doctor said with a smile. They have Shika scissors to cut the baby's umbilical cord. He didn't even register the doctor handing the scissors to him, he just stared at the baby in awe. He snapped out of his trance when the doctor called him again. He took the scissors carefully and cut the cord. "That's not gonna hurt him right?" He asked nervously and I thought it was so cute seeing him holding our baby. "No it's not Mr Nara" the doctor chuckled. "What do you want to name him?" The doctor asked. I looked down at our son and his eyes snapped open. They were...grey, Silver looking. I thought of smoke when I seen his eyes. "Kemuri" I said. "Smoke?" Shika asked. "Yeah." I nodded with finality. "Kemuri it is then" he said and kissed my lips then the baby's forehead. Just then the baby smiled and the doctor snapped a picture of our new family.

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