Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Neji POV

I woke up with a smile on my face. 'I'm dating THE Shikamaru Nara!' I inwardly squealed. After calming down from my excitement, I went to take a shower. I trudged down the hall of my shabby apartment. It wasn't much. The living room was separated from the kitchen with a black door. The couch was grey with pale blue and green pillows. The kitchen was dark brown and cherry red color. My bedroom was purple and green,and my bathroom was green and blue. I went into the bathroom for a shower. After 15 minutes, I got out. Wrapping my towel around my waist, I walked in my room to get ready for the day. I pulled out my black sweater that said "imma kid", my grey pants, and my black boots. I went back to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I was done I got a call from Shika. "Hey" I said with a smile. "Hey babe" Shika said,"what you doooooin". "Uhh-uhmm, nothing really. Just catching up on school work." I answered. Yes I'm in college. I'm training to be a physical therapist. " got time to go get some food?" Shika asked calmly. "Yes, I th-think, I-I mean, yes" I stammered while blushing. "Good, I'll pick you up in.....15 minutes, 'Kay?" He asked with hidden amusement at my stutter. " Yeah, Okay". I'm surprised with how calm I said that. " Kay,bye Nej" stated Shika. "Bye Shika" I answered back excitedly as he hung up the phone. I did my homework to pass the time.

15 minutes later..........

Ding dong! The doorbell rang and I ran to the door. Checking myself once more in my mirror and calming my breathing down, I opened the door to see THE badass Shikamaru with FLOWERS for ME?!?! "You got me flowers?!" It was such a stupid question since they were in my face. " No" Shika started sarcastically, " I got them for-....mmm...." He said before I cut him off with a kiss. "Thanks Shika-kun" I stated with a sincere smile on my lips. I haven't got flowers in a while. "No problem, I'll bring you flowers all the time if that's my reward." He said with a dimpled smile. "You don't have to bring me anything to get a kiss, Shika" I said as I walked to the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase. When I walked back in the living room, I seen Shika looking at the pictures on my shelves. I smiled as I remembered one of the memories....


Daddy I don't know how to catch the ball! A two year old Neji Hyuga pouted. "Yes you can Neji" Neji's father said. " I suck daddy, I can't do it" the two year old started to cry. "Yes you can, just keep your eye on the ball. Follow it and don't let it get out of your sight. The two year old listened to his father and concentrated on the ball. The red ball flew in the air and Neji concentrated. He held his hand up and caught the ball. " I did it daddy, I did it!" Neji shouted with glee. " I knew you could Neji" ....


I wiped a tear that escaped my eye at the memory. That was two weeks before he died. I didn't know I was still crying 'till Shika snapped me out of my thoughts. " Babe? You okay?" Shika said worriedly. "Yes, I'm fine. I was just reliving a moment." I said truthfully, which seemed to calm him down. "What moment were you reliving?" Shika asked timidly. " I was thinking about my dad. That picture",I said as I pointed to the picture, "was taken two weeks before he died. He died in the army. They were attacked with guerilla warfare(surprise attack). " I stated with a shaky voice. Shika walked over to me and pulled me in a strong embrace. I shook as the sobs wracked my body. I really miss my dad, and I never really got to cry about his death. My uncle Hiashi always said emotions were for the weak, I guess I'm the weakest of them all then. When I calmed down a little, Shika pulled away slowly. He hooked his finger under my chin so I would look in his eyes. "Don't cry babe, you're too pretty to cry" Shika said with a smirk that mad one of his dimples pop out. I laughed and kissed him. It was innocent at first , but it quickly escalated.he pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around my waist. I latched my arms around his neck as he picked me up and sat me on the table. I placed peppered kisses on his jaw and smirked when he let out a loud groan. He places one hand on my hip and the other clutching the table. I began to unbutton hi shirt teasingly slow. "Fuck Neji! Just take it off!" Shika snapped impatiently. " Fine no need to be all bossy" I said back as I ripped his shirt in and attacked his chest. I licked his hard nipple and he growled as he took me by the hair and kissed me hard. He wrapped my legs around his waist and blindly searched for my room. He found it,I think, but my mind was too clouded to comprehend what was going on. He threw me on the bed and took his pants and boxers off. I then took my shirt off,pants, and boxers also. I don't know made the first move, but it was all love and passionate kisses. Shika backed me back onto the bed. I wrapped my arms around his strong muscly and tan shoulders. "Mmm....Shik-a-ah" I gasped as he bit my sweet spot on my neck. " do you want this?" Shika asked. " yeah, I want this. Im sure." That seemed to be all the confirmation he needed. " lube and condoms?" Shika asked. " I don't have condoms...." I trailed off. " I want to feel you" I said. "Mmm... Neji you're so fucking hot like that." Shika said with a growl . " Shika I need you! Now!" I yelled desperately. Shika nodded and put a lot of lube on his fingers. I winced at the cold feeling of the lube. He pushed one finger in, it felt weird but it didn't hurt. Then he put two in, there was a slight burn but not too bad. Last he put three in and it started to hurt. BAD. I winced as my eyes started watering . " I'm sorry baby" Shika said as he kissed the tears off my cheeks. When I. Was stretched enough, he put on a generous amount of lube. " you ready?" He asked. I nodded. Shika pushed in and was past the first ring of muscle, it hurt so bad. I told him to continue and he pushed all the way In. I whimpered at the big intrusion. " so sorry babe" Shika said. " Move" I said, he nodded and started to thrust in and out. The pain was subsiding and melting into pleasure. I yelped in pleasure when Shika hit my sweet spot. "Ohhhh....yes....Shika.. AH" I screamed in pleasure. "harder Shika! Oh fuck! Oh fuck yes Shika! harder! Yeah,mhmmm" I moaned. " fuck Neji you're so fucking tight! Shika growled. Shika was now abusing my prostate and I knew I wouldn't last any longer. Shika leaned down and licked my nipple with a hard bite to the bud. " Aaaahhh.... Shika I'm gonna cuuuuuummmmm!" I screamed and moaned " I'm cumming!" I gasped in pleasure as white ribbons sprung from my cock. I clenched my muscles around Shika to get him to cum. " ahhh.... Fuck yeah.... Yeah Neji....mhm" Shika moaned and threw his head back as he came inside of me. We rode out out climaxes before Shika pulled out and rolled beside me. "That was..." Shika started " Amazing" I finished. He smiled at me and kissed me long and lovingly. ' I think I love him'

A/N MY cousin wrote this chapter cause I'm not good with these smut scenes at all! So bare with me here..😜😜😝😝😉😋😋

Love you lots...

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