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Other people don't live in a purple world. I don't think they understand what it's like to live in two different worlds at the same time.
Don't get me wrong I see your world. I see the colors and variety. But my soul's in the Purple World. It looks this one. I think it's some sort of spiritual world.

It feels a lot like wind but it's weighed down by the deep glow of purple. I can touch it and swirl it around in the air. It's like clouds. I can control that.

Sometimes I snap back into the Colorless World (yours) and wonder which one's real. I call it colorless because although it's a wonderful pallet of meaningless sights the colors hold no feeling. The Purple World has depth. The moist tension in the air just enwraps you.

My body is trapped in this Colorless World but it does get glimpses of its true home. My soul is very enlightened. It knows the answers before I know the question. It understands the world around it not through science and matter but mearly as shadow. The Colorless World is tangible but it is nothing. It exists under our feet while the purple world exists around us and in us. It is us. Only if you let it.

I don't view it with my eyes. I suppose I see it with the third eye if that's what you believe but I feel it more in my chest. It just connects me to my true world.

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